Home remedies to eliminate the bad smell of children's feet

It is estimated that the bad smell of feet affects one in four children. It is a problem that suffers the child and his family and can also cause uncomfortable situations in the child in their social environment, leading to embarrassment shake shoes to prevent others from realizing that they smell t

It is estimated that the bad smell of feet affects one in four children. It is a problem that suffers the child and his family and can also cause uncomfortable situations in the child in their social environment, leading to embarrassment shake shoes to prevent others from realizing that they smell their feet.

To avoid this, we give you some useful homemade tricks to eliminate the bad smell of children's feet.

Tips to end the bad smell of children's feet

1- One of the most used and effective home remedies is bicarbonate. Help absorb moisture by sprinkling two small tablespoons of baking soda on the inside of the footwear at night. The talcum powder can also be used in the same way. Another option is to soak the child's feet for 15 minutes in warm water and two tablespoons of diluted baking soda. Pon 2- Put

1 or 2 teaspoons of cornstarch inside the child's shoes at night also helps absorb moisture. 3- Using witch hazel and pine essential oil to massage the child's feet helps control the bad smell and the bacteria that cause it.

4- Another way to eliminate the bad smell of feet is to use

rosemary, mint and mint . Cook the herbs in water for twenty minutes after passing through a sieve and throw in a bowl. Immerse the feet when the water is warm for 15 minutes and then dry the child's feet correctly.5- Soaking the child's feet in

lukewarm water with a few drops of lavender essential oil helps kill bacteria naturally. 6- Mix 5 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a bowl of hot water and immerse the child's feet for 10 minutes. Then wash the feet well and dry properly.

7- Placing a few

dried sage leaves inside the child's shoes helps absorb the smell. You can also use the sage to make an infusion and immerse the child's feet in it for 15 minutes, stopping excessive sweating and combating the bacteria that cause the bad smell of feet. 8- Grate a

ginger root and boil in water for 15 minutes to make an ointment with which to massage the child's feet before going to sleep. 9- Boil in water

black tea and when the mixture is warm immerse the child's feet for at least 20 minutes also helps to eliminate naturally the bad smell of feet. 10- Another home remedy to eliminate the bad smell of children's feet is to use

Kosher salt . To do this, it suffices to immerse the feet of the children for 15 minutes in a basin of warm water in which we will incorporate a little of this coarse-grained salt.