Tongue twisters for children with the Letter S

The tongue twisters are fun word games that can help children improve their pronunciation, their language and their memory. They are a good therapy of home speech therapy so that children with speech problems can exercise the language and the mind, since they are not easy to say quickly. Dare to use

The tongue twisters are fun word games that can help children improve their pronunciation, their language and their memory.

They are a good therapy of home speech therapy so that children with speech problems can exercise the language and the mind, since they are not easy to say quickly.

Dare to use the tongue twister with the letter S

Tong tongue twister for children with the letter S

The successive succession of events

happens successively with the succession of time.

If Samson does not season his sauce with salt, it will go bland;

Salsa leaves his soda to Sansón, if seasoned without salt.

Three sad trapeze artists with three pieces of cut cloth

make tricky traps

because they climb the trapeze by rags and not by ropes.

No one whistles like Silvia whistles,

because if someone whistles like Silvia

it's because Silvia taught her how to whistle.

If the servant does not serve you,

she does not serve you as a servant, de what is the use of serving a servant who does not serve?

When you step on floors, count how many floors you step on,

because when you step on floors you do not know how many floors you step on.

Know that I am amazed by your amazing way of astonishing,

my amazement that astonished my unconscious,

how astonished astonished my heart,

that amazingly amazed me. Sal

Salma is shocked by the ghost with asthma.

The dirty Susana messed up Sonia's sweater enough.

Let's see if the sun rises in Salamanca,

that's the only way Soledad usually leaves alone.

The jealous bear is nervous because he can not find the bear.

Nervous jealous bear looks for the bear.

Bears are found,

after a good fight there is calmness and rest,

because the bear loves the bear and the bear loves the bear.

The sardine-maker took out to roast

sixty dried sardines;

sixty dried sardines,

dried alone in the sun.

Get the sack of salt out in the sun to dry!

If one hundred mountain ranges saw a hundred cypresses

six hundred mountain ranges saw six hundred cypress trees.

Feeling lonely, Sergio, sitting on his sumptuous sofa, sighed, blew, splashed saliva.

He jumped suddenly. Deaf whistles sounded.

Stealthy whisper: I'm Silvia. "Hail, Sergio syllable, I will elicit their secrets.