Short tongue twisters for children

The tongue twisters is a good way for our children to improve their language by having fun. Through word games, children improve their pronunciation without hardly realizing it, encourage reading and exercise memory . No There is no child who does not like tongue twisters! In addition, they are good

The tongue twisters is a good way for our children to improve their language by having fun. Through word games, children improve their pronunciation without hardly realizing it, encourage reading and exercise memory . No There is no child who does not like tongue twisters! In addition, they are good entertainment to play with in times of boredom outside the home, such as when we are in the doctor's waiting room or when they are bored in the car.Here we leave some

short tongue twisters for children.

Short tongue twisters for children Syllable them, make mistakes, laugh and demonstrate your linguistic skills with them, you will see how in a short time, and with practice, they will do much better than you. There is the challenge!

The face of the parrot

lightens with chlorine,

clear, with chlorine

lightens the parrot's face.

R, with r guitar;

r with r barrel;

how fast they roll the wheels

of the railway.

A Cuesta costs

to climb the hill,

and in the middle of the hill, va goes and goes to bed!

Love is madness,

that only the cure heals,

and when the priest heals it,

he commits great madness.

Little by little,

Paquito packs copitos

in a few packages.

How do you want me to love you, el if the one I want to love me,

does not love me the way I want him to love me?

Every time I bathe it hurts me,

that's why I bathe once a year.

Three sad tigers

eat wheat in a wheat field,

a tiger, two tigers, three tigers.

Hippo Hiccup has hiccups,

Who removes hiccups from Hippo Hippo? Compro

I buy little coconut,

because as little coconut,

as little as,

little coconut I buy.

Paco saves the few drinks,

which, little by little, Paco took out.

The successive succession of events

happens successively with the succession of time.

If the snail had a face like the snail has,

was expensive, outside cabbage, outside snail with face.

Totó drinks tea,

Tita drinks mate,

and I drink all my cup of chocolate.

He was looking for a rough-eyed Basque in the forest Francisco,

who, when he saw him, said something to him: "What a Basque, so cross-eyed!

How much wood would a rodent do if the rodents gnawed wood?

Platypus dad and

his five little ornithorhinites

go through drenched corners.

Where I say I say, I do not say, I say Diego;

where Diego Diego, I do not say Diego, I say I say.

No one whistles like Silvia,

because if someone whistles like Silvia,

it's because Silvia taught her how to whistle.

Pepe bites dad with a beak that does not itch.

Rita's dog irritates me,

tell Rita to change the puppy for a dog.

Since I did not wear a suit, I did not swim at all.

A catatrepa with three catakapitos,

when the catatrepa climbs,

climb the three catakapitos. Propone

One proposes, another arranges,

the groom arrives and breaks it down.

Teresa swallowed shredded chalk.

When you step on floors,

count how many floors you step on,

why, when you step on floors,

you do not know how many floors you step on.
I remember remembering that memory,

it's a good memory, it's hard to remember.

Bullet speaks Alba,

bullets Alba spoke,

bullets does not speak Alba,

bullets and Alba I speak.

Chlorine does not clear Clara's face,

and Clara declares that she leaves her face like that.

The song has action and without fiction there is no bump.

Doctor, doctor, formulate and annul me.

A rose fell from the sky,

my mom picked it up,

put it on her head,

and how beautiful it was.
The bull dog runs with the bulls,

the bulls run faster than the bull dog,

the bulls get tired and the bull dog reaches them.

Ocholo fastens eight eights.

Gallo and Grillo shout and enjoy, cómo how Grillo y Gallo shout and enjoy! Pérez

Pedro Perez Picota, poor Portuguese painter,

can paint beautiful landscapes,

to pay passage to Portugal. Mic

Manuel Micho on a whim,

wick the meat of macho,

and yesterday said a boy,

a lot of Micho wick male.

Parsley I ate, parsley I ate,

and now that I've gotten myself

how will I do?

If the witch wrecks the sorcerer,

and the sorcerer wrecks the witch,

and the witch is undone

how does the sorcerer wreck the witch?

For pin pon pam for piro pili pin choir pin.

Yesterday I ate a custard apple and I got enchirimoyé,

and now how I desenchirimoyaré?

Pacha iron with four plates.

Catalina catarina,

Lovely Catalina, canta sing Catalina, sing !,

that I love.

When you sing, that your song tells a story, ese that I love that song.