10 Keys to being a good teacher

A good teacher is the basis of a successful education and for this to be the case it is necessary to have a series of personal and professional skills. Because teaching is not only transferring knowledge , it is much more, it is about knowing how to create the necessary conditions for students to le

A good teacher is the basis of a successful education and for this to be the case it is necessary to have a series of personal and professional skills. Because teaching is not only transferring knowledge, it is much more, it is about knowing how to create the necessary conditions for students to learn to think and build their own knowledge about the world around them.

A good teacher needs not only a broad knowledge of the subject taught and a curriculum; needs to be enthusiastic, affectionate and empathetic but also firm and respectful, responsible, flexible and communicative. These among other characteristics make up the keys to be a good teacher. Today we highlight 10 of them that seem essential

The keys to being a good teacher

A good teacher among the many skills that must develop must show first of all:

1. Empathy, to put yourself in the place of the student and understand their difficulties or concerns; understand him and help him overcome the obstacles that hold him back or to put the necessary challenges that allow him to go further.

2.Patience, to deal with both those students that cost them a lot and those who always want more, to know how to wait for the slowest but also to adapt to those who end up too fast.

3.Delivery for your profession and for the work you do. The good teacher is concerned with transmitting and spreading the desire to excel that involves learning without caring about the number of students per class or the cognitive, cultural, social or economic differences that exist between them.

4.Enthusiasm for what he does capaz, able to motivate his students and infect them with the desire to learn and know. An enthusiasm capable of reaching the student and causing him to awaken curiosity about his surroundings.5. Creativity. A good teacher must be able to be creative both in the way to attract the attention of students and in the way of exposing their knowledge creating unique, captivating and dynamic lessons.


Flexibility.Faced with a special situation or problem, you must be able to change and find the way for all students to understand the concept you are explaining. Change course and adapt to the needs of the class group. 7.

Consistency in their decisions.A good teacher must know how to put rules and rules in his classroom coherent and consistent, he must exercise the authority that his position grants him without falling into authoritarianism which would detract from his credibility and alienate his students. For example, if he does not allow his students to chew gum, he should not either. 8. Humility. A good teacher, no matter how hard he tries, can not be infallible, as anyone can make mistakes. Being able to recognize them, admit them and apologize is a quality that will always play in favor of the teacher, increasing the confidence of the children in him, since they will see him as what he is, a human being.


Respect towards himself hacia, towards his classmates and obviously towards his students and their respective parents. If there is something that teachers should take into account, they are a role model for each of the students, who constantly observe them as they act, how they speak, how they move, respond or dress.10. Responsibility since it works with a very sensitive material: children and precisely the training of their students is the most important work that they have to do. That is why a responsible teacher arrives punctually, prepares classes well, motivates his students, is creative and communicative, attentive and patient always looking for the best for all of them.A good teacher will be one that our children will remember with affection and gratitude years after leaving the classrooms where he grew up and learned with him.

Sara Tarrés Corominas

Child psychologist

Infant orientator