The decision whether or not to cut the lingual frenulum to children

The lingual frenum, which is located just below the tongue, is sometimes so short that it prevents the tongue from moving freely and this makes it difficult not only He speaks, but also swallowing easily. That is why it is possible that, if this is your case, they have told you that you have to cut

The lingual frenum, which is located just below the tongue, is sometimes so short that it prevents the tongue from moving freely and this makes it difficult not only He speaks, but also swallowing easily.

That is why it is possible that, if this is your case, they have told you that you have to cut it. Is it worth it to do exercises to avoid it? Cut or not the lingual frenulum to the children We are born with a lingual frenulum that, according to the size that it has, can bring us some problems. The shorter the frenulum, the less mobility the tongue will have, so assuming we do not do anything to lengthen this frenulum, its size will always be the same and the problems will persist.

That's why it does not make sense to wait until the child grows to see if the

frenulum lengthens or not. Even so, it may be that, as the child grows, he or she learns new strategies to solve the initial problem. The

stretching exercises with the tongue allow to optimize the capacity of the frenulum, so that when it is very exercised it offers more margin of mobility to the tongue and the problems to swallow or vocalize can be solved. Keep in mind that although the frenulum can be

stretched enough , there is a point from which you can no longer stretch. With what in some cases, especially if the child is born with the very short frenulum

(the tongue can practically not move it) practicing the stretching exercises would be insufficientand most likely it is decided to cut it with the objective that the child holds tightly to the breast or the nipple to suckle. Whichever option is chosen, it will be necessary to re-learn to speak and / or eat, since the language will be able to make new movements and will have to adapt to it. In the case of lengthening the frenulum of the tongue, the older your child the quicker he will learn to do the exercises and the sooner he will be able to eat and / or speak without difficulties. Rate if you hurry to decide to go through surgery or not, because cutting is the fastest way to el facilitate the movement

to the tongue but has the disadvantage that you will have to sedate the child.