Benefits of yoga for children as an extracurricular activity

Every day more parents choose yoga as an extracurricular activity for their children. We are in front of an activity with its own trajectory in the last years, but still very new in the extracurricular field. Unknown to many and daring to others, in the following lines I will try to solve some of th

Every day more parents choose yoga as an extracurricular activity for their children. We are in front of an activity with its own trajectory in the last years, but still very new in the extracurricular field.

Unknown to many and daring to others, in the following lines I will try to solve some of the doubts that are presented to us as parents when deciding whether to point our children or not to this activity, although what is indisputable are the benefits of yoga for children. Benefits of yoga for children The new pedagogical currents bet on education in emotions, the management of feelings, learning through experiences ... and in this line, we find in yoga the necessary tools to develop the qualities that participants will employ in their environment. Maintaining its main objective in providing unity with the body, mind and environment.

In the sessions, common routines are learned, body postures that progress in difficulty are corrected, and progress is made in

body balance . Peace and silence are worked through music and a

group harmony consigue is achieved where the energy is almost tangible. After-school yoga classes, besides being quiet, are characterized by their high communication power. Creativity inbody language is the epicenter of this form of expression. Thus, it is obvious that kinaesthetic contents such as physical education, body awareness or flexibility are developed. Through yoga it can be improved:

- The confidence in oneself

- Concentration and attention

- The empathy - The identification and later management of


These improvements are the necessary ingredients to achieve that children have even greater performance in the study, exercising reason, emotion and promoting memory

and intelligence. A good activity from my point of view to

channel emotions and learn and train other skills.