How to talk with our children

Our children, and children in general, are fragile pieces that we are forging with our reactions and how we relate to them, that is, through external impulses that they perceive from our image. The way in which we interact with them , the way we address and express ourselves when we speak to them, w

Our children, and children in general, are fragile pieces that we are forging with our reactions and how we relate to them, that is, through external impulses that they perceive from our image. The way in which we interact with them

,the way we address and express ourselves when we speak to them, will leave a trace in their life, in their behavior, in their values, feelings and way of facing the new situations. Language determines the

personality of the child , that is why the way we talk with our children is important.How to talk with our children

Many times we are not aware of the

way we express ourselves, we raise our voices, we use derogatory tones, we make promises that we do not fulfill, we criticize and we prejudice, we use threatening tones, without realizing that important that we are for them, that we are their examplefor their formation, and that, every time they listen to us and observe us, we are marking a way forward. We adults must be aware that " language creates

"; so let's talk to our children, they will talk to their peers, so the tone we use, they will use them with their friends.For example, if we use a threatening tone constantly, as a resource to achieve something, they will use this same tone with their friends every time they want to achieve something, and we will be giving them aconflictual relationship model

with their peer environment. We should be very tactful when talking with children, in the way we express our annoyances, frustrations, complaints, reprimands, but also in the way in which we express our love and affection, since it can become a double-edged sword. We would reprimand them for their behavior, but we would be unable to recognize that our words were wrong. Children are always attentive to everything, and we never know with certainty what they are left of what they hear us, and what they do not. We must be clear that what they keep for themselves, they assume that

is the right , since it comes from their parents. Whatever we say, they will end up reproducing it sooner or later.Therefore, it is very important to keep in our expressions:

1- A concil conciliatory tone .2- Firmness in decisions.


Clarity in the concepts.4- Language always positive.

It's never too late to start, and remember that

language creates, therefore remember the importance of how to talk with our children.