A different trip. Story about children's imagination

Children's imagination has no limits, they can be on Mars rather than on Venus, and even on unknown planets . Traveling with the mind is one of the best qualities that children can experience. A different trip, is a story written by Azucena Zarzuela to stimulate the imagination of children and invit

Children's imagination has no limits, they can be on Mars rather than on Venus, and even on unknown planets. Traveling with the mind is one of the best qualities that children can experience.

A different trip, is a story written by Azucena Zarzuela to stimulate the imagination of children and invite them to live imaginary worlds.

A different trip. Story for children about the imagination

Today was Sunday and Marta's birthday. He was six years old and he knew it would be a special day. The grandpa Vend would come to play with her and it would bring her a great surprise as her parents had announced. - Grandpa, where is my gift? - Marta asked.

- On the roof. I hope you like it a lot - replied grandpa.

Marta ran up to the roof and when she opened the door she saw a

big rocket that left her mouth open. It was many colors and shone with sunlight. - Today we will go on an excursion and visit the planets - the grandfather announced.

- How are the

planets ? - Marta wanted to know.- Do not be impatient, now you will discover them - the grandpa advised him.

Marta was very happy but also nervous because she did not know what she was going to find.

First came to

planet Crusoe where all colors were upside down. The rivers were red and the meadows blue. The treetops had a nice brown while the trunks were green. Marta was laughing when she saw that the bears were pink and the horses were purple. But although the colors were changed everything was very beautiful. To eat the grandpa took her to

planet Pachán where he explained that they made the best soup in the galaxy. Here Marta discovered that the soup was eaten with a fork and the steaks with a spoon. It was fun to eat and try not to get dirty. In the afternoon they came to

Planet Tilín to play with the animals. Everyone spoke in a strange way: the cow meowed, the dog mooed, the horse chirped, the piglets neighed, the hen barked ... Everyone seemed to have gone crazy, however, everyone understood each other. When they returned home, Marta thanked her grandpa for giving her

the best adventure in the world . Marta was very surprised to discover that sometimes things can be different and that they can be just as fun.