Types of toothbrushes for children

The oral hygiene is of vital importance for children and we should start teaching it from babies. Create a routine for washing of the teeth begins before even the first milk teeth appear. With that we will make sure to instill good oral cleaning habits. Logically, a baby whose teeth have not yet com

The oral hygiene is of vital importance for children and we should start teaching it from babies. Create a routine for washing of the teeth begins before even the first milk teeth appear. With that we will make sure to instill good oral cleaning habits.

Logically, a baby whose teeth have not yet come out does not have the same cleaning needs as a child with all milk teeth or a child who already has definitive teeth. If the routine of oral hygiene should be for everyone the same, elements such as toothpaste or toothbrush should vary according to age. Types of toothbrushes for children Brushing teeth according to the child's age.

Some people think that oral cleaning should not start until the appearance of the first teeth and that is an error. We must also wash the mouth of the smallest babies so that there are no traces of milk, bottle or papillas. This

babies' oral cleaning

is not a brushing of teeth as such, but is done by passing a gauze soaked in chamomile wrapped in the finger. It is from 1 year or 2 years when we can incorporate into this oral hygiene routine a specific toothbrush for children of this age. Children's toothbrushes must have a rounded head

and very soft fila filaments. For this age it is not necessary to add toothpaste to brushing, just use water. Between 3 and 4 years old we can add a fluoride paste to protect children from cavities and other oral diseases, but the brush for these children should still be very soft and the amount of paste very small. It's time to include a specificmouth rinse to protect your teeth and gums. As the child grows, so will your toothbrush, which will go from being a preventive instrument decorated with your favorite drawings to an everyday object that you can not do without.

What should be the ideal toothbrush for children The types of toothbrushes for children are characterized by a small, rounded and soft head and by a handle larger than usual so that the child can handle it well until that he has fully developed his fine motor skills. In any case, we should always supervise the brushing of children's teeth so that they learn to do it the right way. It is up to us that children acquire good oral hygiene habits from a young age. In addition to practicing with the example, the attention must be daily regarding the oral cleaning of the children. With an effort on our part at an early age we will be saving many visits to the dentist and the saving is not only money, but

oral diseases

with consequences for your oral health throughout life. Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com