The green toad. Poetry of Carmen Gil for children

The Carmen Gil's children's poetry is aimed at teaching and educating the little ones through reading. With their poems, children learn to memorize and recite aloud while being entertained. The poetry of The green toad tells us the adventures of a nice toad. In we encourage you to r

The Carmen Gil's children's poetry is aimed at teaching and educating the little ones through reading. With their poems, children learn to memorize and recite aloud while being entertained.

The poetry of The green toad tells us the adventures of a nice toad. In we encourage you to read it together with your children and share a pleasant reading time with your family.

The green toad. Carmen Gil's children's poem

That green toad

hides and loses itself;

Well, no kisses

No princess.

Because with a kiss

he will become a prince

or a handsome prince;

and he wants to be a toad!

He does not want reign,

nor golden throne,

nor huge castle,

nor yellow cloak.

Neither lackeys

nor three thousand vassals.

Want to see the moon

from the lagoon.

One dawn

some fairy loved it;

and that's how it is:

toad and enchanted.

Enjoy everything:

gets into the mud

jumping, alone,

all the protocol.

And he does not give a damn

if it's not nice

to catch an insect;

Nobody is perfect!

Your royal canopy?

He does not remember him.

His red sheet?

Prefer a sheet.

His helmet and his shield?

He likes to go naked.

Princess Eliana?

He loves a frog.

A green frog

that jumps and gets lost mira and looks at the moon

from the lagoon.

Author: Carmen Gil

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