Benefits of nature in children

The rhythm of today's society makes us slaves of schedules, takes us away from the natural environment nos and leads us to a world where new technologies are the basis of the limited time available. Ever since we were little, does not our gaze see beyond what our visual angle allows us to do? Do we

The rhythm of today's society makes us slaves of schedules, takes us away from the natural environment nos and leads us to a world where new technologies are the basis of the limited time available. Ever since we were little, does not our gaze see beyond what our visual angle allows us to do? Do we overlook carefully observe what that look teaches us? Sometimes a second is enough to listen

, to fix the attention and value every detail, gesture, sound, shape or color, this is a sample of the benefits of nature in children.The benefits of nature in childrenWe are accomplices, in daily activity, of

abandonment of resources

looking beyond what the natural environment offers us, obstructing or even stopping research , observation, experimentation and manipulation as a starting point for optimal learning. This learning, based on the temporal and natural evolution of the brain, goes beyond the relationship between letters, numbers, contents and programming locked in millions of papers that contain the classrooms. The brain-learning tandem implies a process where the whole organism is involved and directed towards a certain goal, although it is the brain that acts as a receiver and filter of stimuli,information processor,

registration and base of data, issuer of answers and development of skills and / or capacities, thus allowing to learn and teach at the same time thanks to the neural network. This neural network is built gradually, and as such the learning proposals must be developed. In maturation, up to 6 years of age

approximately, the benefits of nature in children are very great, since the natural environment acts as a fundamental tool for sensory exploration, enrichment and movement control, improvement self-control and the ability to focus attention and respect. The same natural environment, in which neuronal interconnection is defined in the early stages of development, is what allows to learn to relate, observar to observe, to think in a reasoned way and to feel good about oneself . This continuous interaction with the natural environment activates the neural network mechanism, allowing a child to exercise responsibility, freedom and safety in future maturation stages. Encourage the interaction of the smallest with the natural environment favors autonomy, understanding and relationship, initiative, research, analysis and critical spirit from its early stages of development.

Author: Patricia Barranco