
And that is to create a habit of study in children is to establish a guarantee of success in the education of our children. A success that must contain two equally important aspects: on the one hand, the progress in learning and on the other, good results in the grades, both being essential to consi

And that is to create a habit of study in children is to establish a guarantee of success in the education of our children. A success that must contain two equally important aspects: on the one hand, the progress in learning and on the other, good results in the grades, both being essential to consider that our son progresses in his training.

Why should we create a good habit of study in children?

What is the basis for this progress? On the one hand it is the daily work, which includes the effort of the child, and on the other, the taste for learning that must be present in all its formation. In promoting both aspects, parents have an important role.

Our educational function in the study includes: encouraging you when you need it, establishing limits on what is beneficial (for example, studying in silence) and what is not (for example, it is not advisable to study at night); and it will also include helping you solve the difficulties. All these aspects are usually faced by each father and mother, when dealing with the formative aspects of their son or daughter.

The basic resource that guarantees success when addressing all this educational work in the study is precisely to establish a work discipline, a habit of study that our son carries out with pleasure and motivation. This habit will avoid the "final binges" to study an exam or misleading, as well as allow you to set the knowledge of the course as a basic learning for your academic life. Claves 3 keys to success in the study of children

These three guidelines will help us to create a good habit of study in children: Crear 1. Create a daily routine

It consists of establishing a work inertia that the child will lead to during the week and that we are going to incorporate into the familiar family dynamics.

We decide with him or her what we will do in the afternoon. Depending on your age, starting at age 6 when Primary Education begins, we establish the time you will devote to the study. The more fixed this time, the better for the child to create the habit. So, for example, as a standard guide, we can establish that you start studying after having a snack. When the child arrives at school every day with his homework done and sees the way in which his teacher appreciates his work with a good grade or with a favorable comment, he will see the value of this guideline and he will encourage himself to keep it up.

Usually a routine performed for three weeks is usually established as a habit in a child's natural way. Therefore, it is important that we facilitate as much as possible that this routine is not altered often. Establecer 2. Establish a fixed place to study

With your agreement, we prepare a place where our child feels comfortable and free of distractions: a space in your room or a space in the house that will be used for this purpose. In any case, it will be a place where you can place and organize your books along with school materials to have everything at hand. Knowing that you have this fixed place, makes it easier to study and at the same time it generates a pleasant feeling of organization.

3. Value our son's work

The appreciation and appreciation of the continued effort we give him for the work he has done, will make it easier for him to continue carrying it out. A simple and sincere phrase like "You have done all the homework and the review, now you can go to play" accompanied by an expression of satisfaction, will help the next day our son feels again at the time set to make them.

Finally, remember that making it easier for the child to develop this habit is generating in the long term that it establishes the capacity for concentration and perseverance that it will need throughout its life to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.