Difficult tongue twisters for children

Are you already an ace of brawling? You know how to say, without sticking your tongue and without moving an eyebrow, supercalifragilistoespialidoso? Maybe it's time to start complicating your existence with some of the most complicated tongue twisters! Games of impossible words , that will make your

Are you already an ace of brawling? You know how to say, without sticking your tongue and without moving an eyebrow, supercalifragilistoespialidoso? Maybe it's time to start complicating your existence with some of the most complicated tongue twisters!Games of

impossible words , that will make your children cry their eyes when reading them and they will burst out laughing just by trying to pronounce some of their words. Here we leave you the difficult tongue twisters for children.Difficult tongue twisters for children

We want to get you tongue-tied, so bring out your best speech skills and challenge your children to dare with the most difficult tongue twisters of all.

Those impossible to say, that will turn their neurons and their language crazy. Que Let him dare, if he can!

The King of Constantinople, is constantinopolized.

Constancy that Constance could not decontaminate,

the deconstantinopolizador that deconstantinopolize,

good deconstantinopolizador will be.

With a pico pica Pepe Pecas,

if Pepe Pecas bites potatoes with a pick,

where is the peak with which Pepe Pecas chops potatoes?

I had a pelive ethic pelimplimpletica hairless hairy pelimplumpluda,

I had pelimplimpléticas pellegistic ethical kittens hairy hairy pelimplumpludos,

if my cat had not been pelimplimplética ethics peeling furry pelimplumpluda,

her kittens would not have been ethical pelimplimpéticos peels hairy pelimplumpludos .

The otolaryngologist parangaricutirimicuaro,

wants to deotorrinolangargarrangaricutirimicuarizar.

The desotorrinolaringaparangaricutimicuador that achieves


good desotorrinolaringaparangaricutimicuador will be.

The sky is bricked,

who will unroll it ?,

the unroller that unravels it,

good unraveling will be.

Pájara paints hairy periquipanzuda,

why do not you have hairy birds periquipanzudos ?,

because I am pájara paints hairy periquipanzuda, and

I have my birds pintos hairy and periquipanzudos.

The car is overcast,

who will knock it out?

the desencapotador that desencapote

good desencapotador will be.

I have a doll despescuecipelicrespa,

who I despecuecipelicrespará?

The despelicuecipelicrespador

that the despescueciperelrepe,

good despelicuecipelicrespador will be.

To the volcano of Parangaricutirimícuaro,

they want to unpack it, to clean it up,

the one that unpacks it will be destroyed, it will be good.

A chicken painted pipigorda pipigorda regativa blind and deaf,

had some pipiriripintos pipiriripintos pipiriritos rogativos blind and fat,

if the hen had not been pipigorda pipigorda regativa blind and deaf,

the chicks would not have been pipiriripintos pipiriripintos pipirigordos rogativos blind and fat.