The 9 most common symptoms of pregnancy

There are a series of changes in the body that will give you a clue if you are waiting for the stork, but of course not all women present these changes, there are even people who do not distinguish any change. Each person is a world, however, you can self-evaluate and check if you have noticed any s

There are a series of changes in the body that will give you a clue if you are waiting for the stork, but of course not all women present these changes, there are even people who do not distinguish any change. Each person is a world, however, you can self-evaluate and check if you have noticed any sign indicating a state of gestation.

It should be noted that the most reliable test to determine if you are pregnant is to go to a doctor and get a blood test, or choose to take a home test. But high! First of all, go ahead and check if you present some of the 9 the 9 most common symptoms of pregnancy . We tell you what they are through this gallery of images.