Highly sensitive children

Sensitivity is a quality with which one is born. Thanks to it, the child will have the ability to relate everything he does with his emotions and senses. The highly sensitive child (PAS) does not have a disease, nor a syndrome. It is a type of temperament that children have, and that makes them live

Sensitivity is a quality with which one is born. Thanks to it, the child will have the ability to relate everything he does with his emotions and senses.

The highly sensitive child (PAS) does not have a disease, nor a syndrome. It is a type of temperament that children have, and that makes them live things in a deeper way experiencing emotions in a very intense way.

How to recognize highly sensitive children

It is convenient to remember that every child is a world. That is, everyone has their own needs. Therefore, it should be considered that the fact that a child behaves differently from the rest, or seeing the world more intensely or differently should not be a problem. We can recognize this type of highly sensitive children thanks to a series of characteristics:

- They are more affectionate than the average and they like personal and physical contact.

- Since they are very young they are attracted to art and music. In his drawings his representations go beyond the common aspects. They put impetus on the details that are unusual for other children.

- They are empathetic and more in tune with each other. They have the ability to "read" the expressions of the face, the look of the other, so it seems that they are able to predict what the other will do or feel and act accordingly.

- This type of children do not fit well the lies, criticism, or that is intended to hurt another person.

- They are children with a moral and "deep" philosophy. They suffer when they read a story or see certain situations on TV and see people suffer. Also when they are scolded they become deeply sad.

- They are children who enjoy doing things more alone than in company. What does not mean that they avoid relating, but sometimes they enjoy more of their solitude. Nowadays, high sensitivity should be accepted as another type of personality that fits within the area of ​​introversion, but without being withdrawn children.

How to help a child with high sensitivity

PAS children need to feel loved and valued. To do this, adults should avoid:

- Correct them in public. Do not be ashamed and feel valuable for what they are.

- Overprotection. The life experiences are those that will help you to develop tools and strategies to face the problems. Let him face it.

- Situations that exceed their abilities. Each situation must be faced from a sufficient maturity to win competences.

- Do not suppress the expression of your emotions.

In addition, parents can:

- Avoid sources of stress. It is not worthwhile to subject them to situations that undermine stability and cause them concern.

- Respect their independence. It allows you to do things just by monitoring. This solitude allows him to settle ideas and sensations. Later talk with the child trying to empathize but without giving a sense of control over their actions.

- Encourage self-esteem. It is something that can not be neglected because it is an important pillar in the personality of the child. Seeing the world differently makes them feel vulnerable, so parents have to value each reasoning that the child makes, make him see that it is not wrong to feel things differently from others, that he learns to fit the criticisms and make see that he is strong and capable of doing things.