How to teach the child to be a good friend

We are social beings, we need not only to interact with people around us, but it is also vital that the relationships we establish with our peers are satisfactory. And, so that the relations with our equals are pleasant and pleasant, we must get involved in them and offer the best of ourselves. Havi

We are social beings, we need not only to interact with people around us, but it is also vital that the relationships we establish with our peers are satisfactory. And, so that the relations with our equals are pleasant and pleasant, we must get involved in them and offer the best of ourselves.

Having friends in childhood, and during any other stage of life, is essential for the child to develop an adequate emotional and social well-being. Through friendship relations, children learn social skills and are strengthened psychologically. But, how to teach the child to be a good friend?

Friendship in childhood

But, we find that having friends during childhood is not always easy if the boy or girl does not do much on their part. Children are impulsive, think in the short term so they usually do what they want at any time without thinking much or practically nothing in the medium or long term consequences. Rarely often reflect on the consequences that their actions can have before carrying them out and this often makes them get into trouble or trouble with other partners.

Psychologists who work with children always tell them that before acting they must take into account and apply the golden rule of interpersonal relationships: "Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you".

This is a fundamental principle that children must internalize and, guide their behavior with their peers, always taking into account this message. That said, in we want to share with you a series of recommendations that you can carry out to teach your son to be a good friend.

How can I help my son to be a good friend Haz - Make him see that to have a good friendship

it is important that the relationship is based on reciprocity . The child has to understand that selfish behaviors do not strengthen affective bonds. It is important that the child learns that the relationships are bidirectional and that it is necessary to give if you want to receive. Ay - Help him understandthe importance of speaking in an affable and respectful way las to the people around us. The child has to know that they have the right to say what they think, what they feel or what they need at any time but never do so aggressively. You have to avoid shouting, insults, blackmail, etc.

- To teach the child to be a good friend, let him know that we like people to remember our important dates such as the date of our birthday. You can encourage him to know when his friends' birthday is to be written down on a calendar so he can congratulate them or give them a special gift that day. - Teach him to identify emotions and to recognize emotions in others so that when a friend of his is sad he realizes it and can ask: Are you okay? Can I help you with something? "

- Transmit the importance of trusting others and asking for help when necessary, we need each other, we can not always cope with what happens to us alone. friend to trust or ask for help is a real treasure, let him know that he should be available to a friend when he is in trouble

- It is essential to spend time with people enjoying fun experiences An. Encourage him to organize activities with his friends, to take the initiative and propose new plans such as going to the movies, inviting them home to sleep, etc. -

Actively listening to people when they speak to us is essential to create a good climate of understanding and understanding. home with your son the active listening! - Talk to your child about the importance of forgiveness.

We all make mistakes and we deserve to be forgiven by others because most of the time we screw up almost without realizing it. Just as we like to be forgiven, it is very beneficial to also know how to forgive our friends when they are wrong and not be so hard and inflexible with them. -Loyalty is one of the values ​​that most accompany friendship.

To be a good friend it is necessary to be loyal, not to betray your trust under any circumstances. If a friend tells us a secret we should keep it. Make your child understand how he would feel if a friend betrayed him and told others a secret of his. - The most important things that make a friendship last over time are the small details

. Teach your example to call a friend when he is sick, to offer support when he is having a bad time, to help him when he has got into trouble, to ask about his family, etc. En - In summary, it is necessary to develop in our children an empathic and friendly attitude towards others and, of course, adequate social skills so that they can establish enriching and healthy social relationships. A good idea is to practice all these things at home so that later the child can extrapolate them to their life outside the home.