Tricks for the child to stop sucking his thumb

The action of sucking is innate in babies. Many babies, even from their formation inside the maternal womb, suck their thumbs. This is because at first his mouth is the receiver of his world, since that is where they have the sense of touch. Thumb sucking is a habit much more rooted in the baby than

The action of sucking is innate in babies. Many babies, even from their formation inside the maternal womb, suck their thumbs. This is because at first his mouth is the receiver of his world, since that is where they have the sense of touch.

Thumb sucking is a habit much more rooted in the baby than that of the pacifier, since it usually comes from when they are inside the womb. On the other hand, the finger can not be removed from the cradle as we do with a pacifier, so, normally, the child's habit lasts up to more advanced ages. Thesetricks for the child to stop sucking their thumb can help you eradicate this bad habit.

Tricks for the child to stop sucking the finger

The act of sucking is for survival, and is the first thing they need when they leave the womb and can feed on their mother.

Thumb sucking in the first months of life is very common. Through the finger the baby finds relaxation, safety when feeling close to the mother, calms the hunger, besides it is much more at hand than the pacifier. However, after five years is a habit that we must eradicate because it can have complications in the child's speech or produce an incorrect bite, as well as isolation from others and insecurity. But before telling you what are the tricks for the child to stop sucking your finger, we leave you some tips that you have to take into account.

Tips before you start:

- You must induce the child to leave the finger before the final dentition, about 6 or 7 years.

- You should never forbid him to suck his thumb, ridicule him for it or punish him, since it will damage his self-esteem and also his anxiety will reaffirm his desire to suck his thumb.

- Choose a quiet moment. We must never do it in times of change for the child, or in those who have stress such as the beginning of school or separation from their parents.

- You must talk to your child and make him aware little by little of the need to stop sucking his thumb. The child must be prepared and willing to face the challenge of stop sucking your finger.

- You must make the decision to stop sucking your finger together.

Tricks we can use:

1. Rewards: Starts for a short time, and each time the child holds without sucking the finger you can give a small reward as a sticker or a point. When you reach five you can give a bigger reward. Go increasing the time you should not suck your finger to get the reward. This way your son will be proud every time he gets it. 2. Distraction

: Bored children often suck their thumbs, so look for a craft that can entertain you using your hands. That time will not be invested in sucking your thumb. Make sure you do not watch television for many hours, it's usually a moment that you use to put your finger in your mouth. 3.Substitution: If the child's habit of thumb sucking has to do with the time to go to bed, look for a substitute: stroking a stuffed animal or a piece of cloth can help build a new sleep routine

4. Wearing a glove, bandaging the finger, or using bandages or tape, is usually a good way to not suck your thumb, but the child must agree and put a lot of willpower to keep from finger what hinders him. 5.Use bitter substances:

Some recommend vinegar or lemon, and in the pharmacies there are substances that are difficult to remove from the finger , even if it is washed, but it must be with the consent of the child, if the crying night