Sinusitis in children. Causes and treatment

Sinusitis, this word is widespread. We all know someone who has suffered it, maybe even ourselves. But do we really know what it is? In we tell you what are the symptoms of sinusitis in children and what is the most appropriate treatment. Questions and answers about sinusitis in chi

Sinusitis, this word is widespread. We all know someone who has suffered it, maybe even ourselves. But do we really know what it is?

In we tell you what are the symptoms of sinusitis in children and what is the most appropriate treatment. Questions and answers about sinusitis in childrenWe answer the most common questions about sinusitis in children:

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is defined as inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

What are paranasal sinuses?

They are small holes present inside our face and skull, and that are normally filled with air.

Where are and what are the paranasal sinuses?

-Ethmoidal: They are on both sides of the nose.

-Sphenoidal: They are between the orbit and the upper part of the jaw.

-Maxilares: They are in both cheeks.

-Front: We have them above the nose; that is, in the middle part of the forehead.

It is important to know that the paranasal sinuses begin to fill with air from 3 to 4 years of age (the first to appear are the ethmoidal sinuses), and that they have just arrived at 14 - 15 years of age (the The last to air are the frontal and the sphenoid). This is: a 4 year old child is impossible to have a frontal sinusitis.

What are the causes of sinusitis in children?

- infectious. Sinusitis in childhood usually have an infectious origin, as a complication of a previous catarrhal picture. The accumulation of mucus causes an obstruction of the exit holes of the sinuses, which facilitates the proliferation of bacteria.

- Other causes. Allergy with persistent rhinitis, cystic fibrosis, adenoid hypertrophy (vegetations), diseases of the cilia, etc.

What symptoms does sinusitis cause in children?

Infectious sinusitis produces persistent fever and mucus lasting longer than two weeks. Fever is not present in sinusitis of allergic cause. Typically, older children report pain in the head or face, which increases with cephalad movements and coughing.

How to make your diagnosis?

For the clinic. It is not indicated to perform radiological studies, except in chronic cases, if there is poor clinical evolution, or if we suspect complications. In that case, the technique of choice is the TAC.

What is the treatment for sinusitis in children?

The treatment of choice is a broad-spectrum oral antibiotic, such as amoxicillin, at high doses, and for 10 days. In addition, we will provide an anti-inflammatory orally, such as ibuprofen. The use of nasal vasoconstrictors is discouraged in children.