Tips for choosing the name of twins

It is a complicated task to choose the name of the baby. So when what you expect are twins, the difficulty doubles. The choice of the name of the twins should always be made thinking of their own personality individually , although the temptation to put complementary names is great. Ideas to choose

It is a complicated task to choose the name of the baby. So when what you expect are twins, the difficulty doubles. The choice of the name of the twins should always be made thinking of their own personality individually, although the temptation to put complementary names is great.

Ideas to choose the name of the twins

- The names of the two twin girls should harmonize, but that does not imply that they have the same ending or the same beginning, because it could diminish their personality.

- It is convenient to avoid names with the same meaning, such as Blanca and Alba, for example, and also names of the same theme, such as flower names. Putting the twins Rosa and Violeta can encourage teasing among children. Los - The

compound names are always a good resource, but it is not advisable to choose a compound name for one of the twins and a simple name for the other, because it could cause jealousy. - Some parents prefer the strange but beautiful names for their girls, leaving aside the traditional

. If so, make sure that both girls have curious names, to get the balance between them. - Before making the final decision,play aloud with the names

you have chosen, changing the order checking that they work both together and separately. If you like how they sound, you have decided the name of your twin girls. Examples of names for twins We collect some examples of names for twins that we liked because of their


and because they respect the individuality of each girl. - Patricia and Beatriz. These two names for girls share the same Latin origin and an elegant and distinguished flavor that is perfect for the twins. Although they are traditional names, they have not lost freshness and are still topical.

- Esther and Raquel. Both names have in common their Hebrew origin and their biblical tradition, but they maintain their independence as to meaning. They are simple names, familiar and very charming.

- Judith and Naomi. Again two names of Hebrew origin belonging to characters of the Bible. They are names that enhance the delicacy of girls, musical and with great strength.

- Julia and Claudia. They are two names for girls of Latin origin and belonging to the same tradition of ancient Rome. They stand out for their elegance and for being modern and fresh despite their long tradition.

- Alejandra and Barbara. These two names share their Greek origin and a similar extension. They belong to this type of long names that bring a plus of sophistication, so they will be the perfect names for the twins.