How to reinforce the students in a positive way

As with their parents at home, the children have their teachers as a reference in the classroom. The little ones perceive from their teachers what they do and what they say. In this way, they tend to imitate them in all aspects. For example, the way of relating, the attitude towards life, the value

As with their parents at home, the children have their teachers as a reference in the classroom. The little ones perceive from their teachers what they do and what they say. In this way, they tend to imitate them in all aspects. For example, the way of relating, the attitude towards life, the value system, etc.

Therefore, it is important that when teaching, teachers show coherence between what they demand of the children and what they do themselves so that the children can learn. In other words, teachers must take into account that there must be a correspondence between what they teach and how they behave.

Teachers have to find an appropriate educational model in which they can promote the self-esteem of their students where the child feels respected, accepted and appreciates their ability to solve problems independently. We tell you how you can reinforce the children in a positive way.

Tips to reinforce the students in a positive way

When a teacher seeks to reinforce the students in a positive way it is recommended that instead of just highlighting their mistakes, punishing or scolding the child for what he does wrong, it should be highlighted and valued the behaviors and positive actions that the child performs to perpetuate them and that are repeated in the future.

Thanks to this positive reinforcement, students are able to strengthen their knowledge, stimulate their effort, be more receptive, be more motivated and increase their self-esteem.

To this end, the teacher can effectively stimulate the positive behaviors of the students:

- Different stimuli for different students. It is important that the theory of multiple intelligences be taken into account when preparing classes. Each child is different and their way of learning differs with respect to the type of intelligence that is more developed.

- Work together with the family. Thanks to this, the quality of the education that is offered to the child improves ostensibly.

- Give immediate answers. When children achieve certain achievements or act positively, teachers should encourage their efforts during the process or immediately afterwards. If a long period of time passes from the positive action of the child, efficiency in the stimulation can be lost. This can be done with phrases such as: What good are you working?

- Generate adequate expectations of achievement and facilitate that the child feels accepted will make the child can have a positive image of himself.

- Use techniques such as "the green ballpoint pen". It is a technique that became very famous online. It is very simple and effective. It consists of marking with the green ballpoint the successes, instead of striking with red the failures in the exams or the tests. Thanks to this we avoid focusing students' attention on errors, helping them to focus on what they do well so that they can repeat it in the future.

- Create good weather. Teachers need to create a warm and welcoming environment, in which children feel safe and in which their needs are met.

What reinforcers teachers can use with children

In order to carry out the positive reinforcement of their students, teachers have different types of stimuli and reinforcers that they can use. Among them:

- Physicists. These are: prizes, gifts, being the best class grade, etc. All of them based on extrinsic motivation. You can not abuse them because they create dependency and can be diverted towards insane competition among students and create bullying.

- Social. These are based on verbal stimuli such as congratulations, on physical contact such as patting, and on facial expressions such as gestures and smiles.

- The feedback. When the child performs the activity it is gratifying for him to praise how he executes it.

- Use preferred activities. Knowing the tastes of children, use the activities they like best to stimulate them.