When the child sees little lights or chiribitas

It is normal that many children see at some point bright lights or chiribitas, although it is not usually worrisome if it happens occasionally, it is advisable to consult with the ophthalmologist. There are several pathologies that could come to light when the child sees little lights or chiribitas

It is normal that many children see at some point bright lights or chiribitas, although it is not usually worrisome if it happens occasionally, it is advisable to consult with the ophthalmologist. There are several pathologies that could come to light when the child sees little lights or chiribitas.

In Guiainfantil.com we tell you the possible causes of this curious symptomatology.

Why the child sees little lights or chiribitas

It is not unusual for children to have this kind of vision, especially after making an effort, running or playing sports, although it can also appear when getting up quickly from bed or rub your eyes hard. This pathology is known in the medical jargon as

phosphenes, and as it is something very common and does not appear together with a continuous pain, we do not usually give importance, but it is convenient to observe it, since sometimes it can reveal a anomaly in the organism .1.

When rubbing your eyes hard. When we rub our eyes tightly we are stimulating the same cells as when you look at a bright light, that is, the photosensitive cells of your eyes. We must bear in mind that the eyes are merely optical nerves, a gateway to the image, and that the real vision is made with the brain. So, by stimulating those nerves with the hands, the brain reacts by seeing little lights, sometimes scattered and others with geometric shapes. 2. Another cause of the child seeing little lights or chiribitas is

get out of bed quickly or when we are crouched and we get up suddenly. In these cases there is no need to worry excessively if it is not a recurring event, but if it happens every day, or very often, it would be advisable to consult with the pediatrician. 3. When the child has la pressure too low,

and the heart is not able to pump blood strongly into the brain. Then this vision of chiribitas is often accompanied by dizziness or headaches and we must take it to the pediatrician without fail. 4. Strong migraines and epilepsies

can also cause this optical effect. 5. If the child sees little lights frequently

or sees flashes of light, it is important not to downplay it and take it quickly to the ophthalmologist, since these symptoms may reveal a more worrisome disease such as diabetes or a retinal injury.