Five tips to educate a unique child

Being an only child is difficult, both for parents and for the child himself. It is important to know how to educate an only child, since children without siblings have the privilege of enjoying their parents without having to share their love, but they also experience the loneliness of not being ab

Being an only child is difficult, both for parents and for the child himself. It is important to know how to educate an only child, since children without siblings have the privilege of enjoying their parents without having to share their love, but they also experience the loneliness of not being able to share their experiences with an equal within the family. to be the point of view of their parents at all times.

Tips to educate an only child

Therefore, parents shouldbear in mind some advice to educate an only childthat can help us especially in their first years of life.

1- Do not give the child everything he or she asks for: One of the main problems of the parents of only children is that they compensate for the lack of playmates by buying all kinds of toys, together with the illusion that makes us parents giving them things, converts the children's rooms into small toy stores in which the children no longer know which toy to choose. This bad practice makes the only children capricious and selfish. Ap2- Learning to say no:

The guilt of the parents in the solitude of the only child is sometimes compensated with a poorly understood flexibility of the parents, who allow and consent to everything the child does. It is important to set limits to their demands if we do not want to turn them into tyrannical children. 3- Separate the children from the parents:

It is normal for children without siblings to tend to prefer the company of adults than that of the children themselves since they spend more time with them participating in their conversations, in addition to constantly complaining that Let's play with them. It is important to emphasize the individuality of children and reinforce their game alone or with friendsso that they do not depend so much on us. 4- Socialize the children as soon as possible:

The only children tend to be lonely children, with what it is necessary to socialize them as soon as possible, taking them to the park, putting them in the nursery or inviting friends home. 5- Do not overturn all our expectations and frustrations in them:

These children are usually the center of the constant gaze of their parents, they can not blame the brothers for their mistakes or their ills, with what parents usually too much praising their attitudes or overly blaming each of their actions. This makes them egocentric children who are accustomed to being the center of attention, and on the other hand, they must assume the stress of the expectations that parents place on them and that they can not be shared among several siblings.