The snack. Cri Cri song for children

We offer you the lyrics of a very popular song by Cri Cri, which is how you will know the famous Mexican composer Francisco Gabilondo Soler. This composer created children's songs that are still well known today, like this one from 'La merienda'. Enjoy with your children the song of La Merienda . In

We offer you the lyrics of a very popular song by Cri Cri, which is how you will know the famous Mexican composer Francisco Gabilondo Soler. This composer created children's songs that are still well known today, like this one from 'La merienda'.

Enjoy with your children the song of La Merienda. In passing, you can talk with children about why you should not be so 'capricious'. Remember that in the background of this composer's songs there are always values ​​that you can teach and talk with your children.

Letter of La Merienda, from Cri Cri, to sing with the children

The seven are already going to give,

the child is going to have a snack.

The seven are going to sound

and it is a story of not finishing,

because the little one is a crybaby

who always comes out with this song:

There is a mom

my tooth hurts

because they bring the hot milk ...

I do not like it I want to take,

to take it to cool.

The seven are already going to give

and the child is going to have a snack.

The seven are going to sound

and it's a story about not finishing,

because the little one is a crybaby

who always comes out with this song.

There is a mother

look at this Mary,

always bring the milk very cold

I do not want to drink it

to warm it up again.

The seven are already going to give

and the child is going to have a snack.

The seven are going to sound

and it's a story of not ending

because the little one is a crybaby

who always comes out with this song.

There is a mother

this has cream,

the maid this is a can

I do not want to take it so

to take it to brew.

Song of the snack, to sing with the children