Caminito of the school. Cri Cri song for children

We offer you the lyrics of a song that was very popular in its day and that we can now recover for our children. It's called Cam 'Caminito de la escuela' , and it's from the famous Mexican composer and singer Francisco Gabilondo Soler. The song tells the path that a series of animals makes towards s

We offer you the lyrics of a song that was very popular in its day and that we can now recover for our children. It's called Cam 'Caminito de la escuela' , and it's from the famous Mexican composer and singer Francisco Gabilondo Soler.The song tells the path that a series of animals makes towards school.

It is a fun song with rhythm to sing with the children and encourage them to go positively and with hope to the school. Letter from Caminito from the school, from Cri Cri, to sing with the children

Caminito from the school,

rushing to arrive,

with his books under his arm,

goes the whole animal kingdom.

The mouse with glasses.

From notebook the peacock.

And in the mouth the dog carries an eraser.

Five kittens

very well bathed,

raising their feet,

they go to kindergarten


to go for the first time.

Caminito of the school,

kicking to the end,

the turtle goes flying

trying to be punctual.

Caminito from the school,

because they want to learn,

they go all the animals

happy to come back.

The camel with backpack.

The giraffe with her shawl.

And a little elephant

shakes his mother's hand.

The lion is not missing,

monkeys also;

and even a shark.

Because in the books

you always learn

how to live better.

The turtle in writing

has asked Santaclós

his two pairs of skates

to be able to go fast

to be able to go fast.

Caminito song from the school, from Cri Cri, to sing with the children