The first ultrasound of pregnancy

One of the tests that inevitably a pregnant woman must undergo is ultrasound . At least three ultrasounds will be necessary throughout the pregnancy, one for each trimester of pregnancy. But it is the first ultrasound that generates more excitement, the one that makes the most illusion, but also the

One of the tests that inevitably a pregnant woman must undergo is ultrasound. At least three ultrasounds will be necessary throughout the pregnancy, one for each trimester of pregnancy. But it is the first ultrasound that generates more excitement, the one that makes the most illusion, but also the one that generates the most nerves. Are you ready for your first ultrasound?

What you discover in the first ultrasound

The first ultrasound of pregnancy confirms that a life is brewing inside you. It is a very important and emotional moment because it is a kind of presentation of your baby. At last you will meet your baby and, through the screen, that first contact with your child will be unforgettable.

But the first ultrasound of pregnancy has other decisive functions for the development of pregnancy. First, the ultrasound confirms that you are pregnant and that the embryo is in the uterus, which rules out an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, the nuchal fold, the cephalic circumference is observed and it is detected if it is a multiple or simple pregnancy.

This first ultrasound will also determine the estimated date of delivery, but the most shocking part of this test is to check the heartbeat of your baby. Listening for the first time to the heartbeat is an unforgettable experience because at that moment the bond between mother and child becomes indestructible. Therefore, the ideal is to go to that ultrasound with the father of the baby and share the first experiences as a family.

When to do the first ultrasound of pregnancy

The question most las future moms ask is when should the first ultrasound of pregnancy be done? The desire, of course, is to do it as soon as possible, to verify that there are no complications, that the baby develops correctly and that the pregnancy goes on. However, we must bear in mind that, to check all these things, we must allow time for the embryo to develop. The first ultrasound is recommended between week 6 and 12 of pregnancy. And the truth is that this space of time generates quite

controversy . There are doctors in favor of doing in week 6 for the mother to check as soon as possible that her pregnancy is a reality. On the contrary, other doctors prefer to wait a few weeks to find the most developed baby and check their condition and even their movements.Laura Sánchez

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