Educate in values. The example

The example is one of the most valuable educational tools that parents have. It is at home where children find their best school, and that the family provides the child with all the stimuli for their development and growth. It is in the family where children learn to talk, to behave, to relate, to l

The example is one of the most valuable educational tools that parents have. It is at home where children find their best school, and that the family provides the child with all the stimuli for their development and growth.

It is in the family where children learn to talk, to behave, to relate, to live together. The relationships between parents and children are thus the main source of learning for the child. Therefore, our example will be key in the education of children. From our behavior, will come the future behaviors of our children. Tips to educate our children with the example

The example

is the basis for the child to acquire another set of values ​​ such as generosity, kindness, respect, sincerity, tolerance, perseverance ... If the parents do not show these values ​​in their daily lives, it will be difficult for children to develop them. It is essential to be aware of the impact our example has on the education of our children. 1.

Parental behavior has more impact than words . If a father asks the child to be generous, but he does not perform the act of sharing, it will be difficult for the child to acquire the value of generosity. Being congruent is fundamental. We can not demand what we do not do ourselves. El 2. The example is not only related to dealing with other people but it refers to any action of life, be it hygiene, the way of speaking or even the way of eating. Our children will learn from any act we perform.3. There is no age to start preaching by example, from an early age

children observe their parents as if they were looking in a mirror

. Educate in the example more than a form of education, is a lifestyle that children will acquire, so we must be careful and very neat in our behaviors. Es 4. It is necessary to have time for the children so that they can learn from the parents and their behavior. If we delegate the integral education of the children to the school, caregivers or grandparents, perhaps they do not receive the values ​​that we intend to inculcate to them. Los 5. Parents we have to be aware at all times that they observe us, therefore, if we lose patience at a certain time, we do not control our words or act badly, our children will be there learning what we are doing , writing down and archiving in his memory.