Games to teach colors and numbers to children of 3 years

The educational development of the child goes through different phases. At 3 years , a child is ready to learn to count some objects and a little earlier he will have begun to take an interest in colors. It's time to teach your child to distinguish the colors and to know the numbers to count. Learni

The educational development of the child goes through different phases. At 3 years, a child is ready to learn to count some objects and a little earlier he will have begun to take an interest in colors. It's time to teach your child to distinguish the colors and to know the numbers to count.

Learning to count or distinguish colors does not have to be a boring and expensive task. We can teach our children through fun techniques, with stories, songs and games. In this way, in addition to learning, children will have fun and we will be enjoying a precious time with them.

How to teach colors and numbers to 3-year-old children

Before learning to count, the child can learn to recognize numbers. Draw the numbers on cards and play with them until you learn what each number is. To learn how to write numbers, it is best to imitate the number of the card by drawing it with your finger in the sand or on a blackboard, but always with a large size.

Once you know what the numbers are like, you have to teach them how to count. You can learn to count by means of fun games:

1. Set of building blocks

An example is to count the pieces, for example, of your set of building blocks. We can ask you to place a certain number of pieces and this way you will learn the quantities.

2. Drawings

Letters with drawings are going to be our best allies when it comes to teaching contar our children. 3. Children's songs s

We can also use children's songs to learn numbers. A form of learning with which you will hardly notice the effort.4. Everyday activities

And on a day-to-day basis, we can take advantage of any opportunity to ask you to take a certain number of things, such as cutlery for the whole family at lunchtime or put a napkin in front of each guest.

How to learn to distinguish colors

For children to learn colors we have a lot of original games and techniques:

1. Day of color

One of the ones we like the most is to establish the

day of color

. We choose a color that will be the predominant throughout the day, choosing the clothes of that color and pointing to all the objects of that same color that we have around the house. 2. Veo VeoAnother fun game to learn colors is an adaptation of the classic 'I see', but this time with colors. A color is chosen, for example red and the child has to 'see' all the things that are close to that color.

3. Drawings

Although as in the case of learning numbers, the drawings on

the cards

are always a great option. By drawing representative objects of each color, children will learn to differentiate it quickly.4. Everyday activities The learning of colors can be reinforced during other

daily activities

reminding the child of what color everything is. 5. Children's stories At the time of the story, we can ask you to identify the colors that appear in the story we are telling you.

Once the colors are established in the child's life, we can go one step further and teach the colors in English through fun songs.

Laura Vélez

. Editor of