Alicia wants to be a singer. Children stories about the effort

Success does not usually knock on the door, few and very few are those who have a huge stroke of luck that catapults them to stardom. Success has to be worked on, with effort and perseverance. This teaching is important for children and we can make them understand through this original story by Mari

Success does not usually knock on the door, few and very few are those who have a huge stroke of luck that catapults them to stardom. Success has to be worked on, with effort and perseverance.

This teaching is important for children and we can make them understand through this original story by Marisa Alonso Santamaría: Alicia wants to be a singer. A children's story about how effort and constant work are fundamental to achieve our dreams.

Children's stories about the effort: Alicia wants to be a singer

Alicia wanted to be a singer. He sang and sang all the time running around the house; In the living room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in her bedroom, but there was a small problem, her family knew that she was not doing very well.

- Why do not you take singing lessons? - His mother told him one day seeing the girl so excited, - I have been told that there is a teacher around the corner who ...

But Alicia, was very shameful, shook her head and ran up the stairs towards her bedroom.

A few months later, her father, aware that her daughter was not tuning well and seeing the effort she kept on singing, insisted:

- Alicia, I spoke with a singing teacher who would be happy to have you among his students.

But the girl again shook her head without saying a word and, running away towards the garden of the house.

After a while it was his brothers who stood in front of the little girl and said:

- Alicia, if you really want to be a singer, you have to go to learn or you will never reach your dream - and very serious they left the room.

For the first time, Alicia did not run and stopped to think when she saw her brothers worried about her.

He spent the whole night reflecting and finally decided that his family was right. The next morning he spoke with his parents and began to teach singing that same afternoon.

He discovered that attending classes was a lot of fun, much more than he would have imagined. He learned the musical notes, to breathe, to refine his voice, to work with the vocal cords without forcing his throat and, most importantly, to enjoy and enjoy music every day more and to make new friends.

His family was happy watching the little girl's progress, each time she tuned better and, moreover, she began to sing in front of her classmates, losing her shyness.

One day, he surprised everyone by announcing that he was going to sing in the theater of the city. All her family went to see her that day and, she was so successful, that they were very proud of Alicia and they began to boast of having a great artist at home.

That's how Alicia, pushed by all those who loved her, learned to sing very well and now she only sings on her tours and at home when they ask her to.