Breastfeeding: the best for the baby

Breast milk is the best food that can be given to a newborn baby. Not only contains all the properties that the baby needs during the first months of life but also protects against common diseases such as diarrhea, colds, otitis or bronchiolitis among others. Also, it has been proven that mothers wh

Breast milk is the best food that can be given to a newborn baby. Not only contains all the properties that the baby needs during the first months of life but also protects against common diseases such as diarrhea, colds, otitis or bronchiolitis among others. Also, it has been proven that mothers who have breastfed their children have less risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis.

Quantity and quality of breast milk

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommend breastfeeding as the best food for children during their first months of life. In addition, they advise to continue, whenever possible, with breast milk together with a complementary feeding adapted to the age of the child until he reaches 2 years.

Sometimes moms of nursing infants are afraid that they are not producing enough milk for their babies or that they are not taking the necessary amount. For this reason, some abandon breastfeeding and choose to control the amount of milk through a bottle and artificial milk.

However, following a few simple tips you will know that your child is feeding well and breast milk will bring many benefits in addition to creating a special a emotional bond entre between the two: - To produce breast milk you have to put the baby to the breast , if you skip taking systematically to give a bottle, your breast will produce less milk. The best stimulus to production is the suckling of the baby. - Let him empty one breast and then offer him the next. The normal thing is that

in each take empty a breast

since the milk of the end is rich in fats and will help you to go gaining weight and growing. La - The duration of the shots varies according to the age of the baby, the newborns have a longer time to feed, while in a few weeks it will take between 10 and 15 minutes to make the shot .

Another question that moms ask is whether their milk is quality for the baby. There is no poor quality breast milk. If your child is growing and fattening correctly, you do not have to worry about the quantity or quality of the milk. Breast milk is best for the baby because it contains everything needed for the baby during the first 6 months of life. When breastfeeding is contraindicatedThe causes are very rare for a mother to not breastfeed her baby if she so wishes. Cases like HIV, T-cell leukemia, cancer diagnosed in pregnancy that have to undergo treatment or that use drugs would not be able to breast-feed their babies and their milk would not be the best food for their children.

The rest of the diseases, in general,

have some compatible treatment

with breastfeeding. In any case, it will be the pediatrician who establishes the contraindication.