Natural remedies to clear the nose of children

Nasal congestion occurs when the membrane that covers the inside of the nose becomes inflamed due to the presence of viruses, bacteria or allergens. This inflammation is what blocks the nostrils and obstructs the passage of air. We tell you how to free the paranasal sinuses by eliminating excess muc

Nasal congestion occurs when the membrane that covers the inside of the nose becomes inflamed due to the presence of viruses, bacteria or allergens. This inflammation is what blocks the nostrils and obstructs the passage of air. We tell you how to free the paranasal sinuses by eliminating excess mucus. Do not miss these fantastic natural remedies to clear the nose of children.

8 natural remedies to clear the nose of children

Whether due to allergies, sinusitis or constipation, nasal congestion is usually very annoying because it can cause difficulty breathing. Take note of the natural remedies that will end up with the nose "covered" of the smallest of the house. No more congested noses!

1. Chopped onion. This method consists of cutting an onion into four parts and placing it near the children while they are sleeping. The strong smell that the onion gives off will help clear your nose.

2. Steam with eucalyptus leaf. Take a handful of eucalyptus leaves and boil them in water for 5 minutes. Afterwards the child has to inhale his vapor, so his respiratory tract will be cleaned naturally.

3. Massage between the eyebrows. It is an acupressure technique (belonging to traditional medicine Chinese) that consists of placing the fingers at the starting point of each eyebrow, tilts the head and begins to slide the fingers until reaching the middle of each eyebrow . The massages should be in a circular shape and maintaining a constant pressure. When exerting pressure, secretions are stimulated and the paranasal sinuses are cleared.

4. Massage in the nose. To clear the nose of children, it is recommended to perform massages on the nasal fins. First place the ring fingers just under the eyes and massage the cheek with circular movements, then massage the nostrils for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat this process until the child feels relief.

5. Nasal wash. To carry it out, the child should be lying on his back with his head on his side, then use physiological saline (specialized saline solution for nasal washes) with the syringe through the nasal duct that is above. The solution will come out through the lower nostril along with excess mucus.

6. Hot compress. Take a napkin, immerse it in hot water and drain it. When this warm, place it on your child's nose for a few minutes, so the mucus will become more liquid. Finally, you should blow your nose.

7. Take a shower. The lack of humidity can favor nasal congestion es, which is why the hot water vapor produced during showering will help to clear the nose. You can also place a humidifier in the child's room, maintaining an environmental humidity of between 30 and 50%.Normal.dotm 0 0 1 420 2396 Polegar Medios S.L.N.E. 19 4 2942 12.0 0 false 21 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false

8. Hydrate.

Drinking liquids, especially hot ones, will thin the mucosa and help drain it. Even a hot soup will help fulfill that purpose.