10 Dangerous infusions for the baby

When babies get sick, mothers can choose to provide them with natural remedies that often, without knowing it, harm the child more instead of helping him. The desire to find the most "natural" for the baby is not always the best option, since many herbs can have side effects. Do not forget that many

When babies get sick, mothers can choose to provide them with natural remedies that often, without knowing it, harm the child more instead of helping him. The desire to find the most "natural" for the baby is not always the best option, since many herbs can have side effects. Do not forget that many plants contain components that if taken in excessive amounts or at an inappropriate time, can cause intoxication. It is also necessary to bear in mind that you can not "medicate" a child in the same way as an adult, they are much smaller and therefore it is much more difficult to dose an infusion. To avoid harming the health of babies, we tell you what are the 10 dangerous infusions

for the baby. What are the 10 dangerous infusions for the baby 1. Oregano.

It is used to stop colic, however, due to its

stimulating effects , this plant can cause nerve disturbances, as well as cardiac excitation. Even in pregnant women it can become abortive. 2. Rue.Used to stop mucus from the nose, but can cause stomach irritation, spasms, sleep problems and damage to the liver and kidneys. In pregnant women can cause uterine contractions and increase blood flow, which is also harmful to them.

3. Leaf of lemongrass. They use it for

indigestion , but it can cause reflux, dehydration and above all it contains caffeine, a component not recommended for the little ones. 4. Soursop leaves.It is usually given so that the baby can sleep, but it can contribute to damage the peripheral nervous system, affect the cardiovascular system and in pregnant women can cause uterine contractions.

5. Anise star. Remedy to avoid gases. Its side effects are increased stomach acidity, nausea and vomiting.

6. Epazote. It is commonly used to

eliminate parasites l or intestinal worms, however it can be extremely toxic for babies, causing abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and dizziness. 7. Anamú. Many times this plant has been used as a natural remedy against sinusitis, however, it is not suitable for children. 8. Lettuce leaf.

Despite its tranquilizing effect, in the long run it can result in an increase in fluid retention

, gas proliferation, swelling and discomfort. 9. Salvia. It is usually given for hoarseness, however, it is toxic for babies. 10. Cogolyito de guayaba.It is used to stop diarrhea, but it can cause constipation. It is also not indicated for pregnant or lactating women.

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