Does breastfeeding lose weight?

Many women say that they managed to lose weight more quickly during breastfeeding. But many others consider it a myth. What is the truth? Does breastfeeding lose weight? Matron Sara Cañamero answers our question, and assures us that she has part of the reason, but it does not happen in all cases. We

Many women say that they managed to lose weight more quickly during breastfeeding. But many others consider it a myth. What is the truth? Does breastfeeding lose weight?

Matron Sara Cañamero answers our question, and assures us that she has part of the reason, but it does not happen in all cases.

We answer this question: does breastfeeding lose weight?

Breastfeeding causes women to consume more than 500 kcal al per day, and it is true that to produce milk, we are mainly going to pull the fat deposited on hips and thighs. This would give an affirmative answer to our question. However, why are there women who do lose weight and others tend to accumulate kilos during these months?Breastfeeding loses weight only if the intake does not exceed the caloric intake,

that is, if we do not eat compulsively, we maintain a balanced, balanced diet and we are rested, in addition to the large calorie consumption that breastfeeding implies we will lose weight in a gradual way. But it's that

the reality of the postpartum is not always that way, so you should not feel guilty : the normal thing is that we are not only tired, but exhausted; our muscle mass is a little diminished and we tend to feed ourselves sometimes in a chaotic way.5 reasons why you do not lose weight during postpartum

1. Maternal tiredness:

I think that at this point almost 100% of mothers coincide, at least for a few months (some even years). When we are exhausted, it is normal for the body to ask us for high-calorie foods that give us energy quickly. We need to be active when our baby needs us, and if we can not rest properly, a way to get "pull" is to eat. With which we tend to consume sugars, carbohydrates and high calorie food. 2. Anxiety:

when we feel anxiety, one way to combat it is through the consumption of refined sugars, the body asks us for junk food and it seems that we calm down a bit. But I'm sorry to tell you that it is the whiting that bites its tail, since what we eat directly affects what we feel. And it is just these foods that may be perpetuating the anxious state. 3. Excessive consumption of refined sugars:

When we eat excess sugars, the body produces a lot of insulin, in order to capture all the blood glucose. The glucose that exceeds our needs is transformed and accumulated in the form of fat. But soon we will have the feeling of voracious hunger, because we are again without glucose, and again start. A more sugar, more insulin, more voracious hunger, more sugar again. 4. Hormones:

postpartum is a complicated hormonal situation, in which there is a deficit of estrogen (as occurs in menopause), this makes our metabolism go slow, and there is a tendency to retain fluid. 5. Postpartum thyroiditis:

occurs in 5-10% of women and usually lasts one year, in which we see two well differentiated phases: a first one (lasting between 2 and 4 months) in which hyperthyroidism occurs and the metabolism is accelerated, with which we will tend to lose weight. And a second phase that lasts much longer in which the opposite is true, and the tendency will be to accumulate kilos and liquids. It is essential to perform an analysis in the postpartum to determine that our thyroid works well, since there are women who are not solved by this problem over time, and remain hypothyroid. The most advisable, as in most situations that we find in life, is common sense:

a healthy diet, with 5 intakes per day ; in which there is a predominance of complex carbohydrates, over refined sugars, we ensure the correct contribution of fruits and vegetables; as well as proper hydration, rest (if possible) and some low-impact exercise.