The good and the bad of being an only child

Between 20 and 30% of the world's parents decide to have only one child. The reasons can be very diverse: from the separation of parents, through a more comfortable economy, sterility, work ... to the prohibition of having more than one child in countries like China. There has always been controvers

Between 20 and 30% of the world's parents decide to have only one child. The reasons can be very diverse: from the separation of parents, through a more comfortable economy, sterility, work ... to the prohibition of having more than one child in countries like China.

There has always been controversy about the benefits or not of being an only child. There are several studies that support that what we thought about them is not true. The only children need not be more spoiled, more selfish, or more dependent, but these conditions are given depending on the education we want to give our child.

Yes, there are characteristics that seem to be repeated, but not always. In we tell you what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a unique child.

The good thing about being an only child

- It is economically much more relaxed.

- You can do those activities that you like and, in general, are usually better prepared at the academic level, as they are often more encouraged by parents.

- They mature faster, since they will relate more time with adults.

- They usually have good friendships and keep them longer. His friends are very important to him.

- They will be more attached to you.

- They tend to have a stronger character and a higher self-esteem.

The bad thing about being an only child

- Parents tend to be very demanding of them, they usually feel more pressure, and have more fear of failure.

- They tend to be more controllers, since they are the ones who send games or their toys at all times, and find it harder to accept the rules imposed by others.

- They are accustomed to being the center of attention and usually claim it constantly.

- They do not have good tolerance for frustration.

- They get bored easily and will depend more on you.

- They tend to be more lonely.

- It will cost you more to separate from him when he grows up.

- They have less support when their parents have problems.

If you have decided that you are only going to have a child, do not worry, it is not something contraindicated for him, you just have to be a little more careful not to spoil him too much.