International food that children can eat without danger

The Mediterranean diet is rich in a variety of dishes and options perfectly suited for children, and adults, of course. However, adults like to consume international, Chinese, Mexican, Indian or Japanese food for example, and the options of restaurants and chains at home of these gastronomic varieti

The Mediterranean diet is rich in a variety of dishes and options perfectly suited for children, and adults, of course. However, adults like to consume international, Chinese, Mexican, Indian or Japanese food for example, and the options of restaurants and chains at home of these gastronomic varieties are increasing in our country due to the increase in demand. Can children eat any international food safely?

What international food children can eat

- Japanese food is very varied, rich in vegetables and seafood, besides that it is cooked in a simple way, without too many condiments, which is undoubtedly an advantage. In addition, the way to eat it -with your hands- and in small and attractive portions is very attractive for the little ones in the house. Nutritionally it is a very complete kitchen, since it is based on a cereal, rice, source of slow-absorbing carbohydrates, fish, source of essential fatty acids necessary for brain development, and algae, which provide a large amount of vitamins .

However, not all are advantages, it is an international food that young children can not eat quietly, since raw fish presents a potential microbiological danger that the immune system of children, even in development, may not be prepared to overcome. Raw fish, under ideal microbiological conditions, is perfectly suitable for consumption in childhood, but, if not sure, it is better to postpone consumption until about 5 years of age. La - Chinese food that is consumed outside China curiously, has little to do with what is consumed there. It is a kitchen that has rice as the basis of food, accompanied by protein foods -pato, pork, veal ... - and lots of vegetables, but also sauces and seasonings. Like Japanese food, Chinese food is eaten in small portions to use traditional chopsticks, something that arouses the curiosity of children. Limiting the quantities of sauces, there is no reason to indicate that this gastronomic variety is not suitable in childhood. La - The food Indian food

, uses many spices, seasonings and other spices of spicy trend. It is based, like the previous ones, rice, although other cereals such as wheat or corn also have a great role. They are also accompanied by legumes and other protein foods. The truth is that children in India or Mexico are fed and fed traditionally heavily spiced food, so if it is accepted by the child, there is no reason to deny it. In addition, if the mother has habitually consumed it during pregnancy and lactation, her taste will even be familiar!