What to do when your children play with other children

When your children play to touch and undress we are talking about a very common behavior and should not be seen as something bad or morbid. It is natural for children from 4 or 6 years to begin to wonder about the world around them, including of course their body and that of others, begin to notice

When your children play to touch and undress we are talking about a very common behavior and should not be seen as something bad or morbid. It is natural for children from 4 or 6 years to begin to wonder about the world around them, including of course their body and that of others, begin to notice the differences between boys and girls and seek answers to their curiosity to through games of a sexual nature.

Why do children play to touch each other?

The psychologist Mónica Poblador tells us that child masturbation is quite common among boys and girls, thanks to three main reasons:

1- For the simple desire to play. For them it's just fun playing with their friends to the doctor.

2- Out of curiosity towards the human body. Exploring your anatomy is something very natural, as well as seeing the differences between your body and that of others.

3- By imitation, by what they believe adults do.

What do we do when our children play with other children?

The most important thing of all is to observe the situation from a point of view according to the infantile sexuality and not to the sexuality of the adults. We have to be clear that during these games there is no intentionality or procreation, or desire, for children it is just a game.

When finding the child in this situation, we should not give too much importance let alone make him feel guilty with scolding, probably with time these games will disappear and replace them with others. What we can say is that in certain places it is not appropriate to carry out such games, for example in the park or in some other public place.

First of all we have to make sure that the child plays because he wants it and if not, tell them that they have the right to tell their friends that they are not interested in playing with them. Likewise, it is recommended that they play with other children of the same age, since they must ensure that they have the same rules and that the game has the same meaning for both, because if it will not stop being interesting for them.