How is a hyperactive child. ADHD in childhood

When we talk about ADHD we are talking about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder . It is a neurobiological disorder originating in childhood that involves a pattern of attention deficit, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity. Not all children with the disorder show the same symptoms or with the sa

When we talk about ADHD we are talking about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurobiological disorder originating in childhood that involves a pattern of attention deficit, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity.

Not all children with the disorder show the same symptoms or with the same intensity. In we help you identify the hyperactive child, these are the symptoms of ADHD.

Profile of the child with ADHD and ADD

When we talk about ADHD, we refer both to children with ADD, and to ADHD. Both are two variants of the same disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Within ADHD there are 3 subtypes:

- Predominantly inattentive.

- Impulsive predominant.

- Combined.

The main difference between ADHD and ADD is the presence or absence of impulsivity.

Common characteristics between ADHD and ADD

- Both have a neurological origin.

- It is difficult for them to maintain their attention (focusing and / or maintaining it). Les - It is difficult for them to follow the routines and the orders or guidelines in a continuous way

In both cases, these children present or may present: Problemas - Problems or difficulties in their learning, (reading and writing retardation, school failure, problems with mathematics and calculation ...)

- Behavioral problems, (aggressiveness, withdrawal ...) Problemas - Emotional problems, (anxiety, low self-esteem ...)

Symptoms of the hyperactive child

- Difficulties in the focus of attention:

Failure to pay due attention to details , is easily distracted by external stimuli, carelessly makes mistakes in school tasks, (not fixed) does not follow the instructions and does not finish school work.

- He seems not to hear

when he is spoken directly (he seems to be in his world) Tiene - Has difficulty in organizing tasks and activities, bad time management.- It is disorganized

and neglected and loses things. Se - You forget things, even the most routine ones, (you forget your backpack or books at school, you do not write on the agenda, etc.) L - Slowness in motor tasks and execution of cognitive tasks. - Hyperkinesia / Hyperactivity: he gets up in situations where he is expected to remain seated, (in class for example); they can be noisy: they usually play or hit with their hands or feet or writhe in the seat and run or climb in situations where it is not appropriate.


Difficulties in sustained attention , (in motor and cognitive tasks).

- He talks excessively and when he speaks he can be disorganized in the speech.

- Respond unexpectedly or before a question has been completed, it is difficult for them to wait their turn, interrupt or interfere in conversations with others.

- Act and then think

. He has a hard time planning his behavior and thinking about the consequences of what he does. A - They often look like rude and rude children, and the reason is that their impulsiveness leads them to act without thinking. They know the rules but sometimes they do not comply, they do not realize it. How to make a diagnosis of hyperactivity in childhood?At the slightest suspicion that our child may have an attentional difficulty, it is necessary to perform an adequate diagnostic assessment both at the medical level (neurologist / neuropaediatrician) and psychopedagogical. This evaluation assessment is fundamental to provide the child with the appropriate treatment, both at an individual, educational and school level. But he must also receive the necessary advice to establish appropriate educational guidelines. La - The assessment by the neurologist

is necessary to rule out other problems that may be causing the symptoms and in case of confirming the diagnosis provide the necessary pharmacological help if it is considered appropriate.

- Psychopedagogical assessment

includes tests of aptitudes and abilities: intelligence, reasoning, attention, memory, executive functions, reading and writing, questionnaires for parents, teachers and the child himself to assess both the child's behavior and emotional and social aspects.-

In addition, information must be gathered about the child's environment (, (family and school), social skills of the child, as well as all the possible information about the child's history (pregnancy, childbirth, development, feeding, etc ...).

Treatment for the hyperactive child

The most appropriate is a

multidisciplinary treatment that can include pharmacological treatment, guided and supervised by the neuropaediatrician or specialist doctor, psychoeducational intervention and guidance to families.

Regarding the school, children with ADHD are included in the group of Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties

so it is necessary to launch a series of actions and supports so that they can achieve the established educational objectives. Psychopedagogical intervention includes: training in cognitive skills, social skills, reasoning, attention training, literacy, as well as guidance to families and educators. It is also important to explain to the child what happens to him, in order to lower his anxiety levels and improve his self-concept and self-esteem.The joint work of the Family-School-Specialist is fundamental for the success of the intervention
