How to deal with the sexual education of children

How can I educate my son when I have not received a sex education ? This is a question that many parents raise and generates some concern. Many times the subject is avoided completely and the only thing that causes in the children, is confusion and unresolved doubts. This is why we have to take into

How can I educate my son when I have not received a sex education? This is a question that many parents raise and generates some concern. Many times the subject is avoided completely and the only thing that causes in the children, is confusion and unresolved doubts. This is why we have to take into account that the sexual education of the children is of the utmost importance, since it will determine the attitude that children will have to face their own sexuality when they grow up.

Sex education and taboos

In order to better understand the concept of sexuality, it is important to know that sexuality is not centered on the genitals, heterosexuality, and much less reduced to a series of sexual behaviors and techniques such as intercourse or penetration . Sexuality is being sexed beings, that is, men and women with the capacity to demonstrate their affective needs in different ways.

According to the psychologist Mónica Poblador, sexual education of children is a difficult subject to deal with, however, no matter what type of education we have received, speaking of affection, affection and sharing our doubts with others, will help to remove the taboos that exist in relation to this topic.

How to deal with the sexual education of the children

In order to provide an adequate sexual education to the children, it is necessary to carry out a series of actions on a personal level, which will allow the parents to be a role model for the children in this matter. Here are some tips to get rid of those fears and prejudices that could interfere with the sexual education of children.

1- Talk about sexuality with our partner, with other mothers, with other parents or teachers, to begin to feel more comfortable with this topic. Hacer 2- Make a review about what is the

concept of sexuality that we have and the taboos we have, so we can choose the type of education or the attitudes we want to give to the children. Do not forget that parents are a model of behavior for children. 3-

We must be authentic and express ourselves, if we are not comfortable with certain things, good communication is essential in these cases. 4- Even if you have not had sex education,

you have to try to open a little , and start having it even from the births of children, hug them, love them, bathe them, are a series of actions with which we are already providing sex education.