Obesity problem in adolescence

Obesity is a very serious health problem that begins to develop in childhood, but whose complications may not be observed until adulthood. In adolescence, overweight generates health problems, not only physical but also emotional. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what are the problems caused by obesi

Obesity is a very serious health problem that begins to develop in childhood, but whose complications may not be observed until adulthood.

In adolescence, overweight generates health problems, not only physical but also emotional. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what are the problems caused by obesity in adolescence.

What problems obesity causes in adolescence

Obesity is related to hypertension and high cholesterol levels, both with a marked tendency to obstruct arteries or to hinder the work of the heart, with the consequent increase in risk, both of coronary diseases as of a cerebral infarct.

In addition, when there is overweight, insulin needs to work extra to supply enough glucose to the body's cells, so, to maintain normal blood glucose levels, it may be necessary to supply insulin from an external source. Although in principle a change of lifestyle and diet may be enough to correct these levels, in the long run diabetes has serious health complications.

Obesity not only causes emotional problems for adolescents, but also physical problems: Un - Excess weight puts too much pressure on the bones that are growing

, especially of the lower extremities, which can cause deformations or problems in the joints ( arthritis). In addition, the hips suffer in particular the overweight, being able to suffer damage in the short term, that if it is not repaired, surgically and / or losing weight, it can become permanent.-

The damage that obesity produces in the liver begins to be generated from the moment in which it has to metabolize and accumulate high amounts of fat. In the beginning there is an inflammation of the organ that can be rectified with a change of eating habits, but that can become irreparable if it continues to advance. Also, although they are not exclusively related to obesity, it increases the risk of suffering from gallstones. The excessive work of the liver generates an enormous amount of bile that stresses until almost obstructing the bile ducts and can solidify in the vesicle. Depending on the severity of the gallstones, surgical intervention may be necessary to restore the correct functioning of the liver and gallbladder. - Increases the risk of suffering intense headaches or headaches

by increasing brain pressure and sleep apnea. These, in addition to causing problems on a day-to-day basis due to fatigue due to lack of rest, can lead to long-term heart problems. -

Obesity is also related to female fertility problems que, which begin in adolescence. At this age, the risk of polycystic ovaries increases and the tendency to have high blood testosterone levels, which interfere with ovulation. Testosterone also worsens acne and can promote the appearance of facial hair. -Overweight means that any movement requires more energy and is more expensive for the body

, and thus, the respiratory muscles suffer a huge pressure that makes even get up from the couch is a suffering. -Depression, low self-esteem, apathy and reluctance

sink the adolescent who can resort to food seeking comfort, increasing the risk of eating disorders and worsening the symptomatology.