Fear of insects in children

Many parents wonder if the fear so intense that your child manifests before insects is normal or, if on the contrary, it is a behavior that should alert us. Therefore, in Guiainfantil.com we want to offer information about fears in childhood and, in particular, about the fear of insects in children.

Many parents wonder if the fear so intense that your child manifests before insects is normal or, if on the contrary, it is a behavior that should alert us.

Therefore, in Guiainfantil.com we want to offer information about fears in childhood and, in particular, about the fear of insects in children.

What to do in the fear of insects in children

Fears during the childhood stage are frequent. Fear in children is a universal phenomenon, which is why we should consider it absolutely normal.

In addition, fear has an adaptive value. A child without fear would be a real danger. Fear makes us alert and helps us pay attention to the stimuli that threaten our tranquility and well-being. Fear is an evolutionary mechanism that facilitates the survival of the species. Normally, fear diminishes with age, it fades with the passage of time, so we should not worry too much about it.

But, it is important to pay attention because fear during the childhood stage generates discomfort for children and anxiety and anxiety for parents because they do not have the necessary strategies to help their child manage it.

Fear of insects in children is very common in childhood, although it is observed much more often in girls. It is observed above all the presence of fear of insects at 2 years of age although it can extend up to 7 years.

When does fear of insects in children become a problem?

- When fear or anxiety is disproportionate (eg excessive weeping, disconsolate cries or panic reactions in the presence of insects that do not pose a real threat or danger).

- When fear or anxiety is great intensity and generates discomfort.

- When the fear response occurs very frequently.

- When fear interferes in the child's life.

- When the fear lengthens over time and does not disappear with age.

- When the child reveals avoidance behaviors (eg avoid going to places such as the countryside, the mountain or the beach so as not to be in contact with insects, etc.).When this happens we are not talking about an evolutionary and therefore normal fear but of what we know as

irrational fear or insect phobia. How to help the child overcome fear of insects

- The only way for people, both children and adults, to overcome our fears is to confront them. There is no other way. Therefore, we can help children overcome their fear of insects

through exposure or progressive approach to them. For example, we can show you pictures of insects, videos, documentaries, etc. Afterwards, we can help you progressively approach insects little by little so that you can see for yourself that nothing is happening, thus favoring the anxiety response to disappear. - However, on many occasions, when the child has an insect phobia, it is necessary to consult a Psychologist specialized in Clinical Psychology to

initiate a psychological treatment that helps the child superar to overcome the irrational fear that he has towards insects. Psychological treatment to address specific phobias, such as insect phobia, is usually short-lived. Many sessions are not necessary for the results to begin to be visible. So if you have tried to help your son or daughter and do not observe that there have been significant changes, it is advisable to ask for psychological help, especially if you consider that the fear of insects that the child presents generates discomfort and interferes with him in your daily life.