Advantages and disadvantages of whole grains for children

Whole grain products, cereals, rice or pasta, for example, are supposedly healthier varieties of their refined counterparts. The refining process removes the outer layers of the cereal grain eliminating most of its vitamins and minerals, and almost all of the fiber. You can differentiate the bran, w

Whole grain products, cereals, rice or pasta, for example, are supposedly healthier varieties of their refined counterparts. The refining process removes the outer layers of the cereal grain eliminating most of its vitamins and minerals, and almost all of the fiber.

You can differentiate the bran, which contains all the edible outer layers of the cereal, or what is more widely known as whole grains, in which the grain has lost the outermost layers but retains the germ intact. In we tell you what are the advantages and disadvantages of whole grains for children.

Benefits of whole grains for children

- These whole grains for children are rich in fiber. Contain, specifically, relevant amounts of cellulosic fiber of insoluble type. Thanks to this fiber content, which swells in the stomach, they produce a greater sensation of satiety. In this way, they can help reduce food intake and prevent obesity.

- Thanks to this fiber, they also help to avoid constipation, since fiber not only increases the volume of stool, but also accelerates the passage of the same through the intestine. The rapid passage through the intestine can compromise the absorption of certain nutrients, although it is not too relevant in the case of whole grains. However, if the elimination of toxic substances, including allergens, is facilitated in a more effective manner. Por - On the other hand, since the carbohydrates in cereals are complex, and especially those in whole grains, glucose is released slowly, without sudden increases in blood level, something very beneficial for children, since

ensures that your energy levels are stable and do not suffer from highs and lows as would occur with simple sugars. Además - In addition, it is especially important for diabetics

, who can consume them with less problem than refined cereals. Disadvantages of whole grains for children La - The fiber present in whole grains can be counterproductive in the case of young children - under 2 years old above all - or those who do not eat too much, being better to consume foods with high density nutritional and less fiber.- They contain, in contrast, what are known as anti-nutritive factors or

substances that hinder digestion or that interfere with the absorption of various nutrients.

In particular, rye bran contains inhibitors of proteases, substances that hinder the digestion of proteins and wheat especially contains phytates, which hinder the absorption of iron, zinc and calcium as it passes through the intestine. Según - According to this, it would be convenient to avoid or limit the consumption of whole grains or bran

when there is anemia and completely avoid rye during the growth stages or until reaching puberty. Some processes eliminate almost completely the content of these anti-nutritional factors, for example, the fermentation of wheat to make bread almost completely eliminates the phytate content, so that wholemeal bread does not hinder the absorption of minerals.