How to deal with food poisoning of children in summer

Food poisoning occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites are installed in food or drinks. In general, the growth of these potentially pathogenic microorganisms is not detectable by the naked eye, so that parents can not prevent intoxications from occurring. However, we can take certain preca

Food poisoning occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites are installed in food or drinks. In general, the growth of these potentially pathogenic microorganisms is not detectable by the naked eye, so that parents can not prevent intoxications from occurring.

However, we can take certain precautions to prevent the food from becoming contaminated, and we can also make the symptoms of toxiinfection of our children more bearable. This is how you should act in the face of food poisoning in children in summer.

Food poisoning of children in summer, how to act?

After eating contaminated food, sudden and serious symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhea, may occur or may appear after a few hours. Generally, no medical treatment is needed, so that the child will feel better with the passing of days, but, when the heat also tightens, it is useful to follow these tips to prevent the symptoms from getting worse. La - The intake of fluid is very important

, since both vomiting and diarrhea cause the body to shed large amounts of water. Sweating can aggravate the loss of fluid, so to avoid dehydration, it is imperative to drink water. The preparations of the pharmacy are also a good option, since in addition to water, they also replace electrolytes, which the body is losing.- Avoid soft drinks and sugary drinks

(like juices), since sugar favors the growth of microorganisms. It is also advisable to avoid milk, since lactose is one of the main substrates for the growth of pathogens such as Salmonella, which causes many of the toxin infections in childhood. - If possible and tolerated,

fruits rich in water are another way to replace lost fluids. In addition, fruits provide micronutrients, so they are doubly advisable. It is better to choose those that are less sweet to avoid sugar. However, fruit fructose is, in comparison, less harmful to toxinfection than glucose. Se - It is recommended to limit the fat content

, also avoiding cooking methods that contribute fat to the food, such as frying. - When overcoming the toxinfection, dehydration can lead to a constipation problem that should also be avoided.How to prevent food poisoning of children in summer

The most important preventive precautions, with special attention to summer temperatures, are:

- Washing hands before eating

, and of course before cooking. Also before and after touching raw foods.

- Wash fruits and vegetablesthat are going to be eaten raw.

- Make sure do not use the same utensils for raw and cooked food

, and avoid contact between them. Refrigerate cooked foods immediately, as high temperatures favor microbial growth. - Cook meats and fish well aseg, making sure they reach between 65 and 75C depending on the origin of the piece. Cook the eggs until the yolk is firm.- Take special care with the cold chain.

Keep food refrigerated in the refrigerator and frozen in the freezer until use. Never thaw food at room temperature.