Table of language evolution in childhood

Each baby is a world, each one has a different rhythm, depending on their capacity and the stimuli they receive. So much so that there are babies who are able to say several words with 12 months and others do not speak until later. However, there is an evolution that is common in all: first they emi

Each baby is a world, each one has a different rhythm, depending on their capacity and the stimuli they receive. So much so that there are babies who are able to say several words with 12 months and others do not speak until later.

However, there is an evolution that is common in all: first they emit guttural sounds, they pass to the babbling, then they say loose syllables, form words and finally phrases. This process occurs as the baby evolves. In we present a table of language evolution in childhood, is what is considered normal in the development of speech.

The evolution of language in childhood

- From 0 to 2 months: its main form of communication is crying, so much so that even in its form of crying it can be detected if it does so through hunger or fatigue. The baby makes varied sounds, mainly with vowels. De - From 2 to 4 months:

when he is calm he makes sounds that indicate he is happy, again, they are usually vowel sounds, mainly with the "a". At the end of this stage he begins to pronounce some syllables, it is the beginning of the babbling, they are usually mainly "gu", "ta" or "pa". - From 5 to 12 months:

The baby is able to change its intonation when it emits sounds, raises and lowers the tone of voice. If the baby does not make any sounds with vowels, or babbles with 6 months, you should consult the pediatrician. - 1 year old babies:

He is able to say one or several words and he uses them often. - From 14 to 18 months:

the baby already shows a great evolution of language. You can ask and, when you do, raise the tone at the end. You can make gestures that accompany your speech. Name objects onomatopoeically, for example, the cow is "mu", the car, "brum". Use up to 20 different words, in addition to "mom" and "dad", use some verb and adjectives. If your child does not say any words at 15 months, you should check with your pediatrician. - From 18 - 24 months:

You can put two words together, to ask for something, although usually it does not include the verb. At the age of two you can already use around 100 words, and make small sentences of two and three words. - From 2 to 3 years old:

loves to ask questions, uses the "why" a lot. He is able to create more complex sentences of five and six words and you can have a simple conversation with him. His vocabulary is extended to 300 words, including many verbs, which he already introduces in his sentences. His tongue is "ragged", he still does not pronounce many words well. - From 3 to 5 years old:

continue asking lots of questions. He is well understood and able to tell a story from beginning to end. It may be difficult to pronounce a consonant. If the child stutters too much or stumbles too much with the words, it is worthwhile to consult with his pediatrician. At 8 years of age, the child should master all sounds, be able to create complex and more complex sentences correctly, pronounce the words well and have a fluent conversation, otherwise you should consult a speech therapist.