5 Weeks of pregnancy

You are in the fifth week of pregnancy. Even the changes in your body are not perceptible to the people around you, but inside you a baby grows and develops. In this new stage of your life, a journey of 40 weeks awaits you in which you will live a whole host of changes and sensations. Here you will

You are in the fifth week of pregnancy. Even the changes in your body are not perceptible to the people around you, but inside you a baby grows and develops. In this new stage of your life, a journey of 40 weeks awaits you in which you will live a whole host of changes and sensations. Here you will find very useful information and a few tips for week 5 of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

Some women are aware of the changes that are taking place in their body from the first weeks of pregnancy, however, a pregnancy test will be necessary to determine that you are pregnant and there is a growing baby inside you.

One of the first changes that occur in your body in week 5 of pregnancy is amenorrhea or rule absence. In addition, you may feel sensitivity and pain in the breasts.

During this stage of pregnancy you may also notice that you are more tired and fatigued. Some pregnant women even suffer the discomfort caused by vomiting and dizziness of the first trimester of pregnancy.

Another symptom of pregnancy is the sensation of swelling in the breasts, and even pain in the breasts, this is due to increased production of estrogen and progesterone, hormones responsible for blood flow to the breasts. The breasts that prepare to feed the baby during its first months.

It is still early for you to notice that your abdomen has grown although you may feel that your usual clothes tighten you more than a few weeks ago.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

In week 5 of pregnancy, the embryo measures between2 and 3 millimeters and is already looking like a baby. Little by little, the tail that separated it from other mammals has gradually disappeared and the neural tube that will later become the spinal column is forming. In this stage of pregnancy have begun to form their arms and feet.

The placenta will be your home throughout the 40 weeks of pregnancy, there you will live surrounded by amniotic fluid, whose function is to protect the embryo.

The brain of the embryo is in development, as well as its entire central nervous system. It still has a long road of growth and development. The placenta will be your home throughout the nine and a half months of gestation.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

If you have not made a preconceptional visit with your gynecologist, you must make an appointment to confirm your pregnancy and start to perform the different tests and visits. They will program the ultrasound of the first trimester towards the 12th week of gestation. The different analytics will allow professionals who follow your pregnancy to determine if everything is going well or you have to perform some specific treatment.

The first weeks of pregnancy are crucial for the good development of the baby, therefore, doctors recommend not to drink alcohol during the entire pregnancy. Also, you should avoid tobacco because studies show that the children of smoking mothers are more nervous and restless, and may even suffer from respiratory disorders.

Some studies show that folic acid taken since before pregnancy and during the first weeks reduce the risk of premature delivery or birth of the baby with defects in the brain. Your midwife or gynecologist will recommend you take this supplement.

Diet and feeding for the pregnant woman

You can start already, in the fifth week of pregnancy to take a healthy diet, this one beneficial both for you and for the development of the baby. The best diet will be one that contains the essential nutrients that your body needs and provides the correct balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins without too many calories.

The role of calcium will be essential from the beginning of pregnancy. Calcium will help to form the baby's teeth and bones and it will also be beneficial for you. A lack of calcium in your pregnant diet will cause the embryo to consume your calcium resources in order to develop. In your diet you should not miss 1000 milligrams of calcium a day.

It is also important that you introduce other nutrients such as iron. The iron is responsible for carrying oxygen to all the cells of your body and your baby and prevents anemia. You should take between 27 and 30 milligrams a day of iron. The foods that contain this iron supply are: meats, legumes or nuts.

Do not forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and take fruit every day, especially one that is rich in fiber, as it will help you to combat constipation during pregnancy.

Curiosities of week 5 of pregnancy

You are in the fifth week of pregnancy, do you feel anxious to tell everyone that you are pregnant? It is a decision that you will have to make with yourself or with your partner. Some women tell it at the same time they see the positive pregnancy test and others prefer to wait until the 12th week of pregnancy, since the first three months there is more risk of spontaneous abortion.

You may already notice tension in your breasts and may even have increased in size. You can go thinking about buying a new bra, preferably without hoops and cotton.

In these first weeks may arise the first fears of pregnancy: will my baby be healthy ?, When should I go to the hospital ?, Will I have a good delivery? ... Do not worry, it is totally normal to feel sensitive and afraid of this new experience, you could even cry for things that previously did not cause this feeling.