The kindly gardener. I have values ​​for children

The purpose of stories is not only to entertain children. They are also good transmitters of values ​​and great teachings, as in this case. El 'The kind gardener' is a story with values ​​for children that will give the little ones a great lesson about the importance of respecting the elderly, and a

The purpose of stories is not only to entertain children. They are also good transmitters of values ​​and great teachings, as in this case. El 'The kind gardener' is a story with values ​​for children

that will give the little ones a great lesson about the importance of respecting the elderly, and above all, of not judging by appearances. It is a story are many values, such as empathy, forgiveness or humility. Do not forget to read it to your children and talk to them about the importance of transmitting kindness through gestures of love. The kind gardener, a story with values ​​for children

At dawn,

Alejandro would get up happy, would clean up, have breakfast and go out to take care of the garden as he does every day. He liked his work and his garden was the most beautiful in the kingdom and very famous for the beautiful flowers that grew there. Alejandro knew the name of each of them and the care they needed. He watered them, caressed them with sweetness and spoke, telling them a thousand and one stories of other flowers while he walked among them. One morning while delicately caring for an old red rose, he heard some young jasmine talking: Qué - How old and pale she is!

- Have you seen how many wrinkles he has?

- It is also bent.

- What a waste of time to pay so much attention!

Although Alejandro heard the criticism of the jasmines, thinking that they were very young, he did not say anything and continued with his work, and was saddened by what he had heard


A few days later when I watered the old red rose and caressed the leaves of its stem with care, again,heard criticizing the jasmine:

- It has almost no color! - Its stem is fragile and thin.- And he has lost his mind!

- Give it a good stomp! And the saddened rose heard it with great pain. This time the kind gardener

became very angry and said


- Enough of criticizing! Each wrinkle on its stem is a day of your life. The thorns are their sorrows, their petals are joys. And their leaves now dry, all their wisdom. Do you think you will always be beautiful? What will you always be happy? What will you never grow older as it happens to the rose?

And he turned to the flower and watered it with loveto appease his pain.

At that time, the jasmines

realized how cruel they had been, and, regretful, they apologized to the old red rose, who, being older and very wise, did not take into account the criticism of the young people and knew how to forget his hard words living happily what remained of his life.

Since then, when the jasmines saw Alejandro take care of the old flowers with such love, they thought about how kind and good he was that gardener.