Angle, the lying cat. Story about sincerity

Sometimes, children get a better understanding of the messages we want to convey to them if, instead of giving them a sermon, we do it through fables, stories or stories. And it is that, the morals of the stories have a great impact on children. If your child usually tells another lie, you can read

Sometimes, children get a better understanding of the messages we want to convey to them if, instead of giving them a sermon, we do it through fables, stories or stories. And it is that, the morals of the stories have a great impact on children.

If your child usually tells another lie, you can read the story of Úrculo, the lying cat, a story about sincerity that tells what happens to a Siamese cat that often lies a lot.

Children's story about sincerity: Úrculo, the lying cat

Angulo was a plump Siamese cat who used to cut his hair once a week.

The hair grew quickly. The same did not happen to her nails. They did not grow anything and, of course, Undulo felt very bad.

At the hairdresser I spoke with Roberto, the hairdresser:

- I can not understand why I can not have long nails like the rest of the cats. "You'll have a terrible time when you want to scratch," Roberto told him.

- I use a toothbrush that Rufo gave me, the crocodile, although it is not the same.

Roberto, while arranging the cat's hair, commented:

- I remember being a bear, I still heard my grandfather tell the story of a lying tiger, but a very liar, who did not grow his nails because of his lack of sincerity

- Well, but I'm not a tiger. And I'm not telling lies, either, "Angulo answered angrily. No - Do not get like that, cat deuñado. The truth is that the tiger of that story was a week without telling lies and their nails came back out. "What luck, long fingernails and sharp as knives!" Thought Angulo.

The hairdresser finished his work by throwing a bit of cologne on the cat's fur. Hasta - Up to seven days from now, Roberto.

The cat went home and did not go out for a whole week

, not even to buy fish.

After this time, the day of your visit to the hairdresser arrived. Undule looked great nails.

- Will you be very happy with your new nails? the bear asked him.

- I think so, now I do not need anything. I am the most handsome, elegant and refined of the whole town. Por - By the way, this week you have not seen your mustache in the neighborhood ...- I had many things to do at home and ... -he hesitated a moment- and ... besides ... I've been sick.

Roberto, without talking about anything else, finished his job with the cat.

When it was time to pay, Undulo said he did not have money with him, that he would pay him the following week.

Instantly his nails disappeared and he became very red.

-What happens to me? -the cat commented very nervous touching his naked pads.

- You know, cat ... - said the hairdresser bear - I did not finish telling you the story of the tiger. The fingernails of the tiger, when he went back to lying, decreased as it has happened to yours. And he had to spend another week without telling lies to be born again. Ahora - Now pay me and next week, if you do not tell lies, I'll polish your nails.

The cat Angulo paid Roberto, the hairdresser bear and, blushing with embarrassment,

left the hairdresser with the intention of never lying.