How to avoid the spread of salmonella in children

Salmonellosis is a food intoxication caused by the ingestion of food or drinks contaminated with Salmonella. This bacterium is found naturally in the environment, and also in the feces of animals and humans, so it can be present in fruits and vegetables naturally, since they are in contact with the

Salmonellosis is a food intoxication caused by the ingestion of food or drinks contaminated with Salmonella. This bacterium is found naturally in the environment, and also in the feces of animals and humans, so it can be present in fruits and vegetables naturally, since they are in contact with the earth.

Tips to avoid the spread of salmonella in children

The symptoms of salmonellosis appear approximately between 8 and 72 hours after the ingestion of the contaminated food. These symptoms include nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea including blood in the stool, headache and fever, and can easily be confused with gastroenteritis. Children and pregnant women usually have more severe symptoms, so it is advisable to maximize precautions, especially in summer, as high temperatures favor the growth of Salmonella. Un - A correct lavado washing and / or cooking of foods of vegetable origin

is the best way to prevent Salmonella from being ingested. A - When it comes to buying fresh foods it is convenient totake extreme precautions with meats and fish,choosing those that are well chilled or frozen if necessary, and rejecting those that are not well labeled.

- Eggs and their derivatives are other of the most probable sources of Salmonella. In this case, you should avoid eating undercooked or raw eggs, either in sauces such as mayonnaise or ice cream. Cream ice creams, which are usually the favorite of parents in front of so-called ice or poles, usually carry eggs in their composition. Normally, taking into account the precautions that are already taken in the food industry, these ice creams should be safe as long as they respect and maintain the cold chain at all times, that is, they do not exceed the freezing temperature and the ice cream undergoes thawing and refreezes Similarly, if they are homemade ice cream, respecting the cold chain usually keeps Salmonella at bay. Also, bakery products that carry creams and creams in their composition should be consumed with caution if they are not kept refrigerated until the moment of purchase. - Poultry may also be a source of Salmonella. Again, the

cooked above 60 ° C ensures its elimination. La - Milk, another possible source of Salmonella, should not be eaten raw, and dairy products, such as cheeses made from raw milk, should be avoided during pregnancy and taken with great caution in childhood. In this case, not only is the presence of Salmonella dangerous, but also of other food pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes.

- When cooking food,never touch the raw and cooked food

, to avoid cross contamination. Cooked food and leftovers should be kept refrigerated until their consumption, preferably in closed containers, and the same is recommended for pastries, sauces or desserts that are susceptible (that carry raw egg or milk in its composition). In this case they should not be consumed after 24 hours.