Breastfeeding. Questions and answers

Throughout your pregnancy you have been worried about having a healthy and balanced diet, taking care of yourself to the fullest, the good development of the baby and how the birth will be. Now that your baby is born, you are at the time of breastfeeding and thousands of questions assault you. How m

Throughout your pregnancy you have been worried about having a healthy and balanced diet, taking care of yourself to the fullest, the good development of the baby and how the birth will be. Now that your baby is born, you are at the time of breastfeeding and thousands of questions assault you.

How many shots do I have to give? What do I do if it hurts? Here you will find all the questions and answers around breastfeeding.

Questions and answers about the position of the baby

Milk passes from the mother to the baby due to both the effect exerted by the baby when sucking, and the effect of the rise of milk. So that the suction of the baby is correct and does not cause damage to the mother in the nipples, it is necessary to adopt an appropriate posture.

What position is best for breastfeeding the baby?
It is one of the most frequent questions about breastfeeding. A good posture is one in which the belly of the baby touches with your gut. The baby will be more easily grasped if it is placed on the chest from below. The idea is to introduce as much breast as possible in the mouth and that is more areola above the upper lip than below your lower lip.

How can I get the baby to latch on?
You can help the baby by bringing his lips close to your nipple and even, helping him by pushing his chin down so that he opens his mouth and grasps the nipple well. This way the baby can move his tongue from front to back and move the jaws to cause this "milking" effect. What you do not have to do is use the fingers as a clip on the chest, because you will stretch the nipple and the baby will not be able to hold on properly.

Questions and answers about taking baby

When can I start breastfeeding?
The answer to this question about breastfeeding is simple. Ideally, the first shot is in the half hour after delivery. Even if the baby still shows no interest in breastfeeding, this moment is important to start stimulating the rise of milk.

What should I do to stimulate milk production?
The main measure you can adopt to have more milk or milk to rise is to put the baby to the breast. The main stimulus is the suction of the baby.

How long does the shot take?
Nowadays it is advisable to breastfeed on demand, that is, not to make a pattern of hours or a rhythm in the shots. In any case, during the first month of the baby's life, it is convenient for the baby to make about 8 meals a day and take it until it is tired and separated from the breast.

Should you take the baby from both breasts?
It is more important to empty one breast before taking the next one to prevent mastitis from occurring, so it is convenient that in each shot you offer a different breast. The first milk that comes out is more liquid but has its main contribution of proteins and sugars, and the end is denser and has a higher fat content.

I think I do not produce enough milk, do I offer extra baby bottles to the baby?
Some women wonder about the amount of milk they are giving their babies and if it is enough. When in doubt, they opt for mixed breastfeeding: breast milk and artificial milk. However, if you skip a feeding bottle to your baby, your body will produce less milk. Putting the baby to the breast is the best stimulus to have a greater milk production.

Questions and answers concerning pain in the shots

Why do cracks in the nipple occur?
The cracks in the nipples usually come out because of bad posture of the baby in the chest since it is not holding correctly.

Why does mastitis occur?
When the breasts are not completely emptied in the feedings or the baby is not breastfed enough, the milk accumulates and an infection occurs in the milk ducts. There is intense pain and inflammation. To treat mastitis, the baby should be placed on the breast more often and heat should be applied outside the intakes. Go to the doctor if you have a fever.

Other questions about breastfeeding

Do I have to wash my breast after each feeding?
You do not have to wash your chest, just a simple daily shower. If you use breastfeeding discs, you will have to change them often.

Can I breastfeed if I smoke?
Ideally, do not smoke but if you can not quit smoking try to smoke after the shots.

Are medicines compatible with breastfeeding?
Many women wonder if they have to maintain care with the medicines during breastfeeding. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics says that you can take without problem ibuprofen or paracetamol, on the other hand, almost all antibiotics are compatible, as well as antithyroid, antiepileptic, antirheumatic or immunosuppressive drugs.