Videos to learn how to heal wounds, hemorrhages and burns

Children like to play, run around and touch everything, so it is normal to get wounds or burns mainly on arms and legs. What should we do when our child is injured or burned with a heat source? It is very important to know a little first aid to clean and cure a wound well, to avoid infections and to

Children like to play, run around and touch everything, so it is normal to get wounds or burns mainly on arms and legs. What should we do when our child is injured or burned with a heat source?

It is very important to know a little first aid to clean and cure a wound well, to avoid infections and to know if it is serious enough to call in emergencies. In these expert videos of the Red Cross they teach us how to treat wounds, hemorrhages and burns with practical videos, and offer us advice to take care of our children.

How to heal wounds, hemorrhages and burns

Frenzied activity of children causes them to suffer several types of accidents, so, on Guiainfantil.comwe teach you 10 videos of first aid to learn how to clean wounds, stop bleeding and cure burns . They are videos that will answer to the doubts of the parents on how to take care of the wounds of the children.

How to stop a hemorrhage. We teach you how to heal a wound when there is a hemorrhage. Vega Orozco, expert in First Aid of the Department of Health and Relief of the Red Cross, teaches us to stop a hemorrhage.

How to know if a wound is infected. What is the appearance of a wound or a burn when it is infected? The doctor explains to the parents how to know if the wound of our children has been infected, how to prevent it and what to do to cure it

Errors when healing a wound. How to heal a wound Do you know what you should never do when treating a wound or burn in a child? Discover with Dr. Juan Jesús Hernández, of the Red Cross, what are the most frequent mistakes that parents make in these cases.

What should the home medicine kit have? First aid kit to cure your child. With these tips from, you will discover what you need and what criteria you must take into account to prepare and store a first aid kit in a home with children.

How to cure a burn. Learn to cure a burn in children. How parents should act when our child has been burned by accident. Vega Orozco, an expert in First Aid of the Red Cross, teaches us to cure a burn, step by step.

Cure a wound at home. How can we cure a deep wound at home or stop a hemorrhage until medical assistance arrives? Juan Jesús Hernández, responsible for the health plan of the department of Health and Relief of the Red Cross, teaches us the protocol and the steps to follow in case of injury and hemorrhage. Advice for child care and first aid

What are antiseptics for? To treat a wound or a burn, it is always advisable to use an antiseptic. But what is the function of antiseptics? Dr. Juan Hernandez, head of the Health Plan of the Red Cross, teaches us to use antiseptics and choose the most suitable for the healing of wounds and burns of children.

When a wound needs stitches. All the wounds of children are not the same and have different characteristics. How can we know if a wound needs stitches and the child has to be taken to the hospital? With the advice of Dr. Juan Jesús Hernández, of the Red Cross you will be able to distinguish which wounds need suture to run to the hospital.

Distinguish minor and severe burns. How to know if a burn is mild or severe. The burns of children from touching a heat source such as an iron or a ceramic hob at home are common. But can we cure them at home or should we go to the ER? Dr. Juan Jesús Hernández, from the Red Cross, explains how we can distinguish a mild burn from a severe burn that requires medical assistance.