
They are children who do not have patience and do not know how to wait. This attitude makes us lose patience to parents and, many times, we end up punishing and screaming at children. But, how can we prevent the child from interrupting constantly? 5 guidelines to prevent your child from interrupting

They are children who do not have patience and do not know how to wait. This attitude makes us lose patience to parents and, many times, we end up punishing and screaming at children. But,

how can we prevent the child from interrupting constantly? 5 guidelines to prevent your child from interrupting constantly

Interrupting using all kinds of strategies, is a bad habit that some children have, and yet, parents do not give with the key to stop this behavior, what can we do?

1- To teach the child not to interrupt constantly

, we must stop a second the conversation we had with another adult or the activity we were doing. It is only a second, in which we will descend to its height, is the active listening method, and we will say: "Now I am busy, when I finish you tell me what happens, wait just a little bit". And, as soon as you finish the conversation with the adult, remind the child to tell you what he had in mind. If you continue with your routines and do not listen to him, next time he will try again to interrupt you. Si 2. If still, your child persists and keeps pulling on your sleeve, tapping you or shouting for you to attend, try not to lose your patience and, of course, not shout at him.Keep calm, and put your hand on her shoulder or hold her hand

. He will know that you are aware that he is waiting to tell you something. You can also touch her shoulder, look at her for a second and turn around. It is the language of the body, it will understand without telling you that you are busy. Again, when you are finished, go to him and ask him to tell you what he needs. 3-We have to train the patience of the children

. When your child asks for something, wait a few minutes before giving it to him, this small interval of time will make him gain patience. If you do not attend to their requests quickly as lightning, you will learn to understand that you are not always at your disposal, at any time and under any circumstance, and that sometimes you have to wait. Of course, again you will have to keep your word and attend to him after a few minutes (whether he wants to tell you a joke, help him draw a landscape or give him a cookie because he is hungry) El 4. The star tip for any type of topic related to the education of the children: the example matters. If we interrupt him when he is telling us something and we do not let him finish his stories, if we also do it with other adults and we lack that patience to wait, our son will learn by imitation. It is important to listen to others and respect the turn of the word.

5. Try to make those waiting times not be eternal, especially if your child has a hard time waiting and is one of those who interrupts constantly. If you are talking to another adult, your child may wait a few minutes, but not half an hour. Do not lengthen those moments too much.

And, a final word, do not think that it does not work with you because you tried it once and your son keeps interrupting constantly. Your son or daughter will learn to wait your turn if you are consistent and apply these methods of positive discipline instead of shouting and punishment. If, in addition, you usually spend a space of time just for him, you will see that as he grows and matures, he will be less angry, he will have fewer tantrums for this reason and he will accept that he has to wait a few moments if you are doing another activity.