How often do you have to have sex to get pregnant?

One of the main tips that women who want to get pregnant receive is to have sex every other day, not a day. However, many do not consider the reason for this, others wonder why it is not better to try it every day, and even some believe that it is better to do it less often. Not only does it matter

One of the main tips that women who want to get pregnant receive is to have sex every other day, not a day. However, many do not consider the reason for this, others wonder why it is not better to try it every day, and even some believe that it is better to do it less often.

Not only does it matter the frequency with which one has sex to get pregnant, it also counts the number of sperm per milliliter, the quality of the same or the fertile days of each woman.

Frequency in sexual relations to achieve pregnancy

The fertile days of each woman brings together the days in which a woman is more likely to become pregnant, in this way:

- Maintain sexual intercourse in the five days prior to ovulation supone, is a 25 percent chance of conceiving.-

Do it one day yes and one day no , it has a probability of 22 percent. Y - And, when couples maintain relationshipsonly once a week

, the probability of conceiving falls to 10 percent. However, maintaining relationships outside of fertile days is also recommended, as sex changes a woman's immune system in a way that increases her chances of conceiving.Other conditions to get pregnant

In addition to the frequency in sex to get pregnant, there are other conditions that also help:

1. The more sperm, the better:

To conceive, a sperm count of at least 20 million parts is necessary per milliliter. Therefore, if the sperm concentration is high enough, the chances of getting a pregnancy increase. Hence, many experts recommend giving a margin between ejaculations. However, if the man's sperm count never falls below 40 million / mL, it is possible to have sex every possible time without affecting the chances of conceiving. A 2. The more ejaculations, the healthier the sperm is:

Ejaculating every two or three days helps to have healthy sperm. Keep in mind that if the man does not ejaculate in that period of time, the number of sperm per milliliter will increase, but also the proportion of dead, immobile or morphologically abnormal sperm. Due to this, it is also not advisable to let a lot of time pass between ejaculations, since the sperm will be of lower quality. El 3. Exhaustion, one of the main enemies:

One of the biggest problems faced by couples who want to have a baby is the feeling of exhaustion when it comes to sex. When sexual relations are focused on conceiving for many couples it becomes stressful, tedious and emotionally draining.

Source: Ava

(Technology to calculate fertile days)